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Woo!! Another chapter...

Bigby and Colin looked over expectantly waiting for an explanation behind what North had just said.

"What did PJ do?" asked Snow for everyone.

"As some of you saw, he stabbed Bigby. He'd been aiming for the crystal to impact with his heart."

"It would have killed me?"

"And with you the city...but that isn't the worst part."

"Well, don't keep us in suspense!" Red said impatiently.

"I only want to be sure you all grasp the severity of the situation."

"We will when you tell us what the situation actually is." Bigby said jumping to the floor.

"The crystal wasn't a true Dark Moon, it was a key of sorts that would open a portal to the homelands using you son, to power it. All the good in you devoured by darkness...either you'd die or become the thing so many people fear you to be."

"I think you may have been too late..."

"Why?" asked Snow in concern.

"I killed a girl on my way over her...a mundy." Snow let out a shaky breath.

"Did you mean to?" asked Red.

"No! But I couldn't stop was like back in the Homelands..."

"Well, I'm sure we can figure that out with our other problem." said North.

"Which is?" asked Colin.

"There is still a very real possibility that something made it out. We have to be ready for that." North answered.

"Any idea what that something might be?" asked Snow.

"I have my ideas...but first, I would like to try an idea of my own..."

Bigby stood staring at the man in front of him with a serious expression.

"Do I...know you?"

"Bigs it's me!" Bigby raised a brow before sniffing in the other man's general direction. He had sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, a set of darker blonde brows that furrowed just above his eyes. The man wore a short sleeve white shirt and jeans.

"Don't tell me...Colin?"

"Hmhp! What gave me away?"

"Your about the only person who calls me 'Bigs' for starters. That and you smell like your usual pig-self."

"How do I look?"


"That bad?"

"No, it's just 'eh'."

"Don't listen to him!" shouted Snow from the door as she came inside the Woodlands

"Why did you give Colin here a glamour? Thought you wanted him gone?"

"I decided that I was going to help out Colin along with Mr. Toad and TJ."

"Really now?"

"Yeah, Woody and Gren volunteered to fix the Tenement Building along with a few other Fables like Beauty and Beast."

"This is almost too good to be true..."

"You took the words right out of my mouth." said Colin who walked over to the elevator.
Snow smiled at Bigby looking him in the eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

"Alright I guess..."

"With everything that's happened I think its alright to be just that, alright."

The Wolf Among Us: A Dark MoonWhere stories live. Discover now