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Bigby Wolf sat in his chair unmoving his dull brown eyes fixed on a spot on the wall. It had been two days and 6 hours since the incident in the alley near Bager's Den. The drug no longer affected his mind but he still couldn't see. As a result his temper was shorter than ever before and the only people who hung around were Colin and (yay for him) his father.

Today happened to be one of those days were the great North Wind appeared. He'd taken up a glamour and loved to take his son for walks now that he had a physical form which had been dubbed Nigel Wolf, but all Fables called him Mr. North.

At the moment he was helping Bigby stand from his chair.

"Where would you like to go today Bigby?" sighing Bigby turned towards his father's scent.

"Does it really matter? I can't see shit!" Nigel huffed, placing a guiding hand on Bigby's shoulder.

"The fresh air'll do you good." he said pushing them out of the apartment.

"Says the god of the North Wind." Bigby grumbled as he was pushed into the elevator. After a few moments they were in the lobby and making their way outside.

"Hi Bigby how are you doing?" asked Beast, "Beauty and I heard about the attack, do they know who it was?"

"No...we don't know who...but a giant bear only matches so many Fables you know..." sensing his son's mood Nigel smiled at Beast.

"My son and I are going for a walk, if you have any further questions either head to the office or save them for a later date."

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry Mr. North...I'll get out of your hair." nodding Nigel wrapped an arm around Bigby's shoulder, receiving the normal irritable grunt.

"I get the feeling you don't enjoy your father's company." he could hear Bigby grinding his teeth and he openly grinned at his son.

"Your sure this whole blind thing is temporary...right?"

"Yes, a month at worst. Three weeks at best."

"That's too long."

"Don't you think you deserve a break after everything you've done? Maybe that is what this is son, a sign."

"And with my luck you probably made that sign."

"I resent that."

"Like I give a shh..." Bigby stopped, his body going rigid as a familiar scent passed under his nose. Drawing in a deep breath he knew who was just about to approach them. Detective Kelsey Brannigan, but she wasn't alone, the smell of hair jel and cheap coffee followed beside her.

"Hello, are either one of you Bigby Wolf?" asked a male voice.

"Who's asking?" Bigby asked

"We're on the Badger Den case."

"Could you kindly elaborate for us?"

"We're questioning witnesses so if neither of you are Wolf-"

"We both are, I'm Nigel, and this is my *blind* son, Bigby." Bigby couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Blind?" asked the man.

"Yes, sorry to disappoint you Mr...?"

"Richard, Richard Turner, NYPD and this is my partner detective Kelsey Brannigan."


Richard Turner is the random character created by my boyfriend Alex (Alexanderkn17):D 

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