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Bigby backed away from her just as a gunshot was fired, the smell of fear and confusion clouding the air. The Fable Sheriff looked to Snow who now stood beside him. They were both curious as to what was going on. Bigby made to walk towards the kitchen where the sound had originated but Snow stopped him.


"Don't, you'll only blow your cover."

He was about to argue when Mr.Badger was thrown through the swinging set of double doors. Followed out by a large towering man at least 6'10 and holding a gun.

Bigby pulled away from Snow, all but leaping into action, but he was stopped dead in his tracks when the guy-robber-whatever placed Aaron the waitress in between them. She yelped at the look of what had to be pure murderous intent in Bigby's eyes.

"I ain't gonna deal with no heroes." he looked at Bigby, seeming to assess him, "or some off duty cop." Aaron seemed to agree with the criminal's assessment because she gave Bigby a strained smile that pleaded for help.

"Fine, just tell me why?" the man turned fully towards the sheriff and Bigby saw the surly looking man, his eyes were black and overall he looked like a giant freaking bear, his shaggy black-brown hair covering most of the top half of his face.

"The owner has something of mine, and I'd like it back. You won't get in the way if you know what's good for little Aaron here." the bear-man pulled Aaron towards him and pointed the gun at her head.

"Just let her go. No one will try and stop you." Bigby's mind raced for a solution, his heart beating heavily in his chest.

"Then what's to stop you from coming after me, huh?"

"Take me instead, I'm a bigger target, I'll catch more bullets that way." bear-man seemed to agree, throwing Aaron over to Bigby who handed her off to Snow who was trying for all the power in the world not to look like a pissed off she-demon.

Mr. Badger looked over at Bigby like he was completely insane, but no, Bigby knew what he was doing, or at least he thought he did. The bear-man yanked Bigby harshly by the arm, nearly dislocating it from his shoulder.

"Well,whatcha gonna do Badga, give me wut I won't and mistah cop here won't get shot." Mr. Badger jumped to his feet, rushing back though the doors and rushing back out with a small brown leathery looking bag. It looks like it either had some sort of stone or herbs in it. Bigby could easily feel the dark magic emitting off it, it was suffocating, but at the same time a sweetness lingered in the air, calling to him. Shaking himself mentally he was able to shut out that voice, but then bear-man took the thing from Badger and the voice picked up again. Bigby was pushed forward towards the doors he and Snow came in through. The voice ever persistent.

"Don't any of ya follow us, ya hear?"

Snow glance at Bigby fearfully, but nonetheless nodded with the rest of the mundies.

"This is bad, this is so bad." Snow groaned silently, but she didn't have to wait long...

There was a loud singular clap of a handgun and before Snow knew what she was doing she was rushing outside. The sight that greeted her drawing up the memories of a creature she thought long since buried...


Oh...I did it again XD

The Wolf Among Us: A Dark MoonWhere stories live. Discover now