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Bigby lay staring at the red crystal-like stone that sat on his dresser. After a moment he turned his gaze towards his father's back. North had been very quiet ever since Bigby had returned to his senses. He hoped he felt guilty for what had happened to his mother. He wanted his father to apologize. He wanted something, anything that wasn't this tense silence.

"Father..." North laughed, it was sad, no humor at all.

"Son..." he said turning to face Bigby from his place at the edge of the bed, "You almost died." he looked into Bigby's eyes with cold blue ones, "You almost killed yourself..."

"As if you care!" Bigby snapped, "I may share your blood and power...but you don't really know me, you left before I was even a pup!" 

"I've always watched you..."

"Oh, I fucking know!" North laughed, a smile turning his lips and Bigby glared, "Is that funny to you Old Man?" Bigby asked with his own smirk.

"I love you son." that caught him off guard, the smirk vanished and he looked down.

"Why'd you say that?" his heart was aching again, "How can you say that?"

"It's the only thing I can say beside I'm don't know how sorry...I won't bore you with my excuses, and I won't say that I'm not at fault, but I'm here now, and if your willing we can try and build something...please?" Bigby laid his head back against the wall a hand rubbing his tired eyes.

"I don't know what to say." he said unemotionally.

"Say you'll try?"

Bigby sighed, blinking a few times before looking over to North.

"I...I'll try..."

"Thank you son."

"Don't make me regret this...I don't want to regret this..." Bigby looked back over to the stone and North followed his gaze.

"That stone is actually a fragment of a whole, there are four pieces. In the end if someone puts them altogether they would get a Blood Moon Gem. With it they could bring a Dark Moon into this plane."

"What would a Dark Moon do? It's a spirit right?"

"Yes, It would possess the one who awakens it."

"I already know that another piece is with that bear from Badger's Den...PJ gave me his...that leaves two more."

"One more." Bigby looked up sharply at his father who held a clothed object in his hands, "Do you hear its voice?" whispers clawed at the edge of his now very guarded awareness.


"I hear them as well." he moved closer to Bigby his face extremely serious, "Under no circumstances are you to have more than two on your person at anytime." Bigby sneered at him.

"Why? What are you hiding?"

"You won't just trust me?" Bigby simply gave him a look, "Right..."

North cleared his throat and Bigby waited.

"Your blood-"

"My blood?!"

"Your blood, my blood, the blood of my son is what is needed to bring the Dark Moon, you understand?"

"Fuck..." Bigby groaned, "and we were having such a nice conversation before..." he said sarcastically.

"Cute, I'm serious."

"I get that, but if you're expecting me to lock myself up you've got another thing coming. I have no clear idea of who this person is or who to trust, I'd be safest if I wasn't confined to one space."

"You can trust your friends, Snow, Colin, Red, that green creature-"

"Bufkin." Bigby inputs with a glare.

"Yes, and Bufkin."

"That leaves a lot of other people...I really tried...but I still get those looks, it's driving me all they'll ever see is the wolf..." he felt his father place a hand on his shoulder.

"You are what you are. It's not your shape they fear but the power you hold, but it's up to you how you'll use that power. You can't be a natural force anymore-" Bigby laughed, and it was an honest to God laugh.

"Natural force? I'm not sure a giant wolf with gale-force wind abilities has ever been classified as a 'natural force'." North shook his head.

"Your reading far too much into this, I simply mean that you can't be the lesser evil you once were. You can't take your pain out on the world anymore. Your not a rebellious adolescent, they need you even if they don't know it. Its a thankless job..."

"What is? Saving the world?"

"Being a father." he says only for Bigby to push him.

"Ha, don't make me laugh!" Bigby stood and made his way from the apartment, North not far behind him, "Why are you following me?"

North throws a white button-up which Bigby grabs before it hits the ground.


"You have them with you?"

"The stones?" Bigby stopped and turned to give North an irritated expression, "Just checking son, just checking."


Super sappy...I don't know what's up with the back-to-back parent and child sappyness...maybe it's me...XD it's me, I just want Bigs to have a bit of happiness before I annihilate it...muhahahahahaha!!!!

OH!! And did anyone catch the 'with great power comes great responsibility' talk happening?

XD IDK anymore, things will start to get serious now that I got us through the sad self-harming bits.

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