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10 days after the Badger's Den Incident


Bigby sat on his chair. His hands felt over the arms, feeling the solid spots were his blood had poured out of him and now stained the chair.

Sometimes he was surprised he had any blood left in his body.

"What are ya thinking about Bigby?" asked Colin.

"How they left to go talk to The Bears. WITHOUT ME!!!" he snapped at Colin's blurry visage.

"Geez, you'd think your vision recovering would make you mellow out, not wolf out."

"Why do I let you live here again?" he sighed.

"Oh, well you know, you were a complete asshole and-"

"It was a rhetorical question! You weren't supposed to answer that, beside I know what I've done, I don't need you reminding me all the time, alright Colin?"

"Yeah...sorry pal..." Bigby moved a palm over his eyes.

"Everyone's on edge, I get it. Snow hasn't told the town everything, but they know something, I can feel it in the air...which reminds me..." the light blob that is Colin sighed then began moving through the other different shades of blobs and stopped at a giant brown blob that Bigby knew to be his table. Bigby laughed, unable to look at the twisting colors any longer.

The cigarette pack was slid onto his lap along with his lighter.

"I trust you don't need eyes for this." Colin laughed.

Bigby opened the box and popped a Huff 'n' Puff between his lips. Eyes still closed he flipped open the lighter and it flicked on with a loud snick, seconds later he was pulling the smoking cigarette from his mouth.

"You'd be right."


"So what do you know Bigs?"

"Well, it was a bear that's for sure. But I doubt it was that family of bears on the farm. I mean their nice people with some exceptions."

"Like that one kid of theirs...what was his name?"

"Hey, no naming names, beside he was thrown down the Witching Well."

"Geez...who could it be then?"

"No idea...want to go to the mirror and see how their search is going?"

"Yeah, sure why not."


At the office


Bigby and Colin strolled into the office. The miscellaneous blobs swirling around giving Bigby an intense headache.

"What are you two doing here?" asked the green floating blob of Bufkin.

"Checking on Snow." Bigby said as he walked with confident steps towards the Magic Mirror.

It's face swirled into Bibgy's (horrible) vision.

"Sheriff..." Bigby smiled at the mirror.

"Show me where Snow is."


"You need to rhyme Bigs, that's how it works."

"Yeah, yeah...." after a few moments Bigby looked up to the mirror again, "Ok, I have one."

"This should be good." whispered Bufkin.

"Mirror Mirror, with all your might. Show me the location of Snow White." there was a gasp and Bigby turned to grin smuggle at the two.

"Not bad, I shall accept your rhyme and show you the location of Snow White at this time." green and brown blobs appeared and Bigby growled.

"Tell me what you see."

"The farm, now Snow and Mr. North talking to the bears....they look afraid..."

"Of what I wonder..." the image vanished and the three shared a look.

"Alright, we weren't here, understood?" Bigby said meaningfully to both the mirror and Bufkin.

"My lips are sealed." Bigby narrowed his eyes, "I-I um...I won't tell a soul." stuttered Bufkin.

"Good, see you later." there was a sound of the doorknob turning and Bigby's heart almost broke free from his ribcage.

"It can't be..." hissed Bufkin.

"It is...where's the closest?" Bufkin rushed them towards the supplies closest and shut the door just as Snow White and North walked inside. There was a large exhale of breath only possible of Bigby and Snow looked to Bufkin as he tried his best to mirror it and pass it off as a yawn.

"Feeling tired?" asked Snow as the two walked forward, "All that research?"

"Oh, yeah, you know me." the closest creaked open and Bufkin coughed loudly to try and cover the sound.

"Are you alright?" asked North suspiciously.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine, thanks for asking sir." Bufkin watched the two walk towards the door, "So how'd it go? Did you find anything for Bigby?"

"No...the family had no connection to the incident, but they did mention a relative of theirs...a PJ. He doesn't live too far, and he has a glamour." North took out a picture and Bigby had to fight back a groan as he and Colin opened the door, both of them stepping safely outside in the blissfully empty hall. The door slammed but Bigby could pick out the sound of a heavy book slamming onto Snow's desk at the exact same time. He'd have to buy the flying monkey a drink sometime.

Both he and Colin fled back to their apartment, Bigby falling onto the couch, Colin right beside him as his door opened and they both looked lazily over to both Snow and North.

"So, how'd it go?"


The rhyme from Bigby is courtesy of my precious, Alexanderkn17

And holy crap!! That was close XD

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