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Wow!! The support this story has is astonishing. It's also wonderful to see that I must be doing something right and I'm glad to see people like the story so far. That and apparently people like Bigby angst. I'm no better. Every character I use or create is treated like absolute crap X) I still love them...just in a weird scary kinda way lol...

Bigby was brought out from their cell by Woody. Snow and Red are forced back in upon trying to get to him.

"I have wonderful news," said PJ strangely, "I hope it'll bring you some joy to know that your father is right outside with the last two you know what this mean?"

"Your going to kill us all?" Bigby asked dryly.

"Oh no..." PJ opened the door and after a moment North walked in. Woody taking a position behind the kneeling Bigby with his axe.

"I have what you want. Let them go."

"I will, when you give me the other two shards."
Sighing North did this and PJ began to laugh as he joined all of the pieces together. Bigby sucked in a breath, a sharp pain piercing his skull. The voices were back with such intensity he almost couldn't heard what PJ was saying.

"Ah! Finally...the first piece of the great puzzle..."

"What?" Bigby looked up to see in PJ's hand was a cresent shaped red, and dangerously sharp jewel. It looked like it could be a key even.

"This, Wolf, is the beginning." PJ moved towards Bigby. Both Snow and Red shouting for him to stay away.

North moved closer only to have Woody's axe graze his neck.

"Bigby look at me!" Bigby looked over at his father who's eyes were a startling red, "I'm sorry."

PJ laughed.

"That's classic. He's sorry Bigby. I wonder if you'll accept his apology when this is all over!" PJ stabbed the red cresent into Bigby's chest. Nothing happen at first. Bigby simply stared at the Fable in front of him darkly, but then the jewel began to glow bright red. Bigby started trying to yank it from his chest, but as the glow became more intense the jewel sunk further beneath his skin.
Pushing against his flesh and muscule. He was cursing, his nails growing into claws as he grabbed a hold of PJ's throat. His teeth sharpened and his hair grew longer.

"I'll kill you!!!" he saw strange flashes of his fight with Bloody Mary. That rage he felt resurfacing now.

"Oh the rage in those eyes." PJ laughed as he took a hold of Bigby's chin. Turning his gaze on the two trapped in the cell. Snow closed her eyes, a frown twisting her red lips. 'Riding Hood was the worst', he thought in a detached part of his brain, she was crying and not the crying he wanted to hear. She was scared of and for him. This would be it! This stupid red thing would screw him over. He could feel his humanity slipping away, almost like Snow had never given it to him. He had been the 'Dark Moon' this whole time. He was the one that was going to hurt everyone...tear them apart. His dad knew about it before handing over the could he?
Bigby growled his body shifting into The wolf just like in the alley but bigger. He was returning to his original state.

Bigby gasped his own mind closing in on him when suddenly it stopped. North was standing in front of him now. His hands bloody and both PJ and Woody on the ground. The shard in his hand before he dropped it.

"Son?" The Wolf growled low in his throat. He faked to lunge at North but grabbed the shard in his maw before running out the door, "Bigby!!?" he was gone...
Cliffhangers all day everyday XD

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