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The two powerful Fables looked at the two Mundane. Bigby's features turned in a frown similar to that of his father's.

"What happened at the Badger's Den son?" Bigby knew a con when he smelt one, and he was smart enough to put he and his father's problems aside and go along with this one.

"Snow and I went to breakfast at the Badger's Den, we were both starving...never did get my steak...." Bigby laughed.

"The waitress Aaron says you risked your life for her...your blind?" asked Richard.

"Just a few months ago, an accident on the family's farm." answered Nigel.

Bigby could sense the disappointment and anger from both detectives. He assumed Richard was Aaron's husband or something.

"I'm sorry to disappoint."

"Oh, no, it's quite alright." answered Brannigan, "Just try and be more careful Mr. Wolf, that man could have hurt you or worse..." Bigby nodded, part of him irritated over hearing that same line over again after Snow had yelled at him for first shifting and second for being hurt, hell, he wondered what would happen if he died. Couldn't yell at him then could they?!

"I'll do that Detective." Richard tipped his hat to both men, even though the notion went unseen by the younger Wolf. Brannigan smiling lightly and patted Bigby on the shoulder. Bigby barely held back his ill mannered reaction.

"What's going on here?" questioned Bigby, his mind crunching over the evidence in his head.

"A bear attacks you, and injects you with some type of experimental drug that as we've discovered works through your senses. It is supposed to enhance everything, but it caused you pain and took out one of your senses." Bigby nodded as they began walking back to the apartments.

"Do we know what is in this stuff?"

"No, by the time Swineheart was able to do any blood work, there was nothing there."


"I'm assuming it had something in it that is harmful to you personally."


"No...Wolf's Bane or something of the kind."

"Seriously? Then wouldn't we be dealing with witches?"

"That isn't hard to find son, many of the Mundane are superstitious."

"Shit..." he sighed as he was lead inside the Woodlands, "I..."

"Hate being a werewolf?" came Snow's voice from out of nowhere. He hadn't even smelt her coming towards them.


"It's fine, I get it. After all this time, your still mad."

"I'm not mad, it just would have been better without these weaknesses." he said with his eyes downcast. Cool hands touched his cheeks and raised his head up. He knew that if he concentrated enough or even just closed his blind eyes he'd be able to see Snow's beautiful face lined with worry as it so often was these days.

He wanted to help her. To ease her burdens...but all he was doing was making it worse...all he'd done was become a burden himself.

What use does Fabletown have of a blind sheriff?

"Useless..." he breathed, closing his eyes.


"Bigby and I have a few thoughts on the bear. We even had a run in with those mundane detectives from the NYPD." Snow's hands disappeared and she stepped back, her focus shifting to North.

When he eventually got his sight back he'd have to hint at thanking his father for avoiding what would have been an awkward conversation.

"Oh, well, let's move this conversation to the office."

The three disappeared into the building, unaware of unfriendly eyes watching them from afar...

The Wolf Among Us: A Dark MoonWhere stories live. Discover now