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I've waited awhile to be able to write this chapter XD but of course I had to write the rest of the story first. I'm still not done, so no, this isn't the last chapter. Thank you to all of you reading, commenting, and voting!! :D Love all of you!!

It was dark, far too dark for the time that it was. A girl was jogging through the park. Gleaming eyes peering out at her from the shrubbery. There was a growl but before the figure could attack there was and explosion. A red beam of light shot into the sky and Bigby stumbled out naked, a strange tattoo over his heart. The girl panicked catching him.

"Oh my gosh!! Are you alright?" she asked seeing all the cuts and bruises that marred his skin.
He looked at her, his eyes gleaming yellow.
He smirked, licked his lips at the sight of her. Long blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail, short shorts, and a tanktop. She when to back away. The hair on the back of her neck standing up. He grabbed her around the waist, and leaned into her neck and bit into her shoulder. She screamed and sobbed and tried her best to get away, but to no avail. She went limp in his arms and at that moment Bigby was himself again. He could taste the poor girl's blood in his mouth. He brought her close as if he was embracing her.

"I'm sorry...I-I don't know what's happening...I don't want this!!" he placed her on the grass before running off, his body naturally shifting into that of The Wolf.


North got Snow, Red, and Woody from the building before the Crescent exploded, sending a beam of crimson red light in the sky.

"What happens now?" asked Snow peering into the sky as the beam faded.

"Seeing as 'The Big Bad Wolf' was to have been the Dark Moon and PJ's plan failed, who's to know. We just need to find Bigby before he causes any real trouble." said North.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" asked Red.

"It's not his safety I'm worried about." North said, "We'll have to head back to the Woodlands. Maybe, if we're lucky Bigby is there too."

Snow nodded as the four of them began to walk. Woody not really talking.

"You alright Woody?" Red asked.

"Sorry about tryin'a rob ya Red..."

"What are you talking about?"

"When Wolf was attacking your grandmother n you...I only showed up cause I was gonna rob ya..."


"Mmh sorry."

"It's ok...the past is the past...I guess..." she looked over to Snow before rolling her eyes.

Bigby went inside his apartment. The door had apparently been left open. The Wolf climbed into his big blue chair and curled up into as tight a ball as he could. 

"Hey Bigs is that you?" asked Colin.

"Y-yeah..." he said strangely. Colin came out of the kitchen and into the living-dining room.

"Thank God you're ok--What the fuck happened to you? Why are you a wolf again?"
Bigby stood in the chair before walking in a small circle then laying back down.

"Does it look like I know?"

"Alright, start at the beginning..."

"Your not scared of me like this?"

"You bet I am, but I've known you awhile now Bigby...I trust you." Bigby grinned all his pointy teeth visible, "Just don't do that." he scoffed.

"We got all the shards together and it formed this crescent shaped thing. PJ stabbed me in the chest and this happened. He wasn't able to complete it though."



"Maybe it's temporary?"

"I hope so, people are more willing to true a wolf who looks like a man than a man who is a wolf."

"W-what? No! Don't go all wise sage on me. That's almost worse."

"For the love of--I'm just saying, shit Colin!" the pig brother laughed causing Bigby to raise a brow.

"What are you laughing at?"

"We're a couple of animals arguing." Bigby huffed a laugh.


"My brothers wouldn't believe this..."

"Neither would Red or Woody..."

"So what did you do?"

"I...I hurt a Mundy girl...I'm pretty sure she's dead."

"Oh man..."

"Yeah, but that isn't the worst."

"Geez! Did you kill a whole family!?"

"What!? No! There was a bright red light in the sky!"

"Yeah! I saw that! What's it mean?"

"I have no idea--"

"It's the beginning of the end..." said North as he stepped inside Bigby's apartment, Snow and Red right behind them.

Just a transition chapter. Hope you enjoyed Colin and Bigby...and North being overly dramatic there at the end. ^^


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