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Bigby creeped towards the door of the office. It was late and the hallway was empty. His vision was much better now, but as his vision healed he had bouts of dizziness. They were so bad at times his limbs would go numb and his body cold, but at the moment he was perfectly fine and making his way towards where this PJ person lives. Bufkin had given him the info on a piece of scrap paper that he now held in his hand. Walking straight out the door he couldn't help but groan as the scent of his father surrounded him.

"Your fucking joking..." suddenly the form of a man wavered into existence in front of the entrance gate and Bigby's escape. He had long dark hair that was more white than anything else. He wore a dark black trench coat and dark slacks. If Bigby had been a pup-a boy-he'd have ran the other way...

'I must be a pup.' he thought as he spun on his heels and went to head back home. He didn't get far, North was standing right in front of him, his eyes hard as ice. Bigby gulped despite himself. A fear was building in his chest that he didn't understand.

"What do you think your doing?" Bigby glared.

"I'm going to investigate the case."

"How do you plan to do that? You have no leads."

"That's none of your business!"

"Your my business!" Bigby couldn't help the laugh that passed through his lips.

"You may be my father but I sure as hell am not your son!" Bigby turned back towards the gate and started to walk away.

"Don't walk away from me!" Bigby stopped dead in his tracks and turned, his eyes glowing with hatred.

"It's only fair, you walked away from me first..." he growled before making his way through the gates...


"Sorry Mr. Wolf, but I don't know anything 'bout that. If I did, I'd tell ya." said the man sitting across from Bigby.

"Your sure PJ?" Bigby asked seriously.

"I mean I've heard talk 'bout this new street drug goin' round the lesser Fables."


"Oh, ya know, myself and others who aren't as well off." Bigby nodded, "I'd even say that Holly and Grendal may know a thing or two." that caused the Sheriff to raise a brow.

"Holly? As in the Trip-Trap bartender? About yay-high and white hair?" PJ snickered

"Yes sirrie, that Holly. Her and Grenny have been listening in on some thangs...ya know what I'm saying?"

"Umm...are we still talking about this drug?"

"Yes, they talked about some suspicious characters not too long ago." Bigby stood from his seat in Peter James' (PJ's) apartment. The young Fable spoke with a happy-go-lucky southern accent and wore a goofy genuine grin on his face. Bigby gave a half smile, one brow lifted.

"Thank you for your help PJ. If you have anymore information or stubble upon something come see me."

PJ stood and stuck out his hand for Bigby to shake. Wolf-turned-man shook his hand which was very callous and Bigby's could feel slices on the first layer of skin, not enough to draw blood though. The fable smelt sickeningly sweet of honey to the point Bigby found he could no longer stay in the other man's presence.

"I'll tell ya if I find out anything else Sher'ff." he stated with a firm shake of Bigby's hand.

The Fabletown Sheriff gave a nod before making his way outside. Walking away Bigby pulled out his pack of Huff n Puff's and taking a cigarette out which he popped between his lips. He brought his lighter towards his unlit cigarette, but his vision wavered. His heartbeat began to pick up, his heart racing in his chest. He frowned, swallowing thickly against the threat of nausea.

Groaning he put the cigarette away and steadied himself against a wall, his hair plastered about his face from his sudden sweat. He felt himself beginning to panic. It was becoming very hard to breathe, and he had no way to contact someone...well his father would hear him if he called. Bigby growled darkly at the thought. His father? HA! That bastard left him and his mother. She'd died because of him. Bigby had been alone because of him!!! Tears pricked at the edges of his awareness and he leaned closer into the wall.

His control was slipping and soon he'd slip behind his old persona of The Wolf. His eyes were squeezed tight against both the pain and the unbearable urge to shift. It was suffocating him; drowning him.

'Why is this happening now?' he thought.

"BIGBY!!!" to say he was surprised, was an understatement. He knew that voice anywhere.

Bigby struggled to open his eyes, and when he finally did he gave a strained smiled.

"Boy, am I glad to see you for once..." the figure was eclipsed in the sun but he knew this scent. Metal, alcohol, and the smell of burning wood.

"Your just lucky I'm feeling nice today Wolf." the other fable helped Bigby to his feet and much to Bigby's discomfort and irritation he didn't let go till the Sheriff stopped swaying.

"T-thanks Woody, but I'm fine." Bigby pushed away, "I'm just on my way to the Trip-Trap..." Bigby begins to turn, leaving the Huntsman to watch him leave when:

"The Trip-Trap eh? Well you're in luck friend, I'm heading there myself." Bigby jumped as Woody put an arm around his shoulder, "You look like you could use a drinking buddy." Bigby gave a grimace.

"I'm on a case you moron! I don't need anyone." for a moment Woody seemed surprised at Bigby's attitude when suddenly he hugged the slightly shorter male to him.

"What's your problem Sheriff? We were making fast friends not too long ago."

"I'm not feeling well is all..."

"Ha! The Big Bad Wolf not 'feeling well' forget the drink, you need the whole damn bottle!!" he pulled Bigby along.

"Woody, that makes absolutely no fucking sense!!" Bigby said trying to get away from his enemy-turned-frienemy.

"Oh come on, what can it hurt!? Beside," his voice became serious, "I've been wanting to see how you were doing."

Bigby shook his head.

"I can see, other than that life is your average everyday shithole..."

Oh wow!! Look and update!! XD it's 12:37 am, I'm dead tired!! X.X hope you guy enjoyed this not cliffhanger Xp

The Wolf Among Us: A Dark MoonWhere stories live. Discover now