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Bigby sucked in a deep breath as he felt at the bloodied bandages that were wrapped around the entirety of his stomach. Snow was sitting on her knees beside him.

"Bigby....what were you doing?"

"I went looking for you princess." he said with a wolfish grin, "And now I promise to never take my eyes off you." she sighed but gave her own wry smile.

"Don't make promises like that."

"Snow-" they both stopped talking as they heard the slam of a heavy metal door and in walked their captor. Taller than Woody and with crazy long brown hair and light brown eyes. He was a darker version of the now gone PJ.

"I am PJ....if that's what your wondering..."

"You can't be. PJ died...he..."

"Gave you one of the shards?" the man smiled, "I gave you one of the shards Bigby. Me!!"

"Why?" asked Snow.

"To see if you were the one I needed, and soon your oh so mighty father should be here with the rest of the blood moon shards." 'PJ' laughed, "But of course nothing will be as he thinks it."

"What do you mean?" asked Bigby, "You need my blood-"

"Yes I do need your blood....but it's more than that really, much more."
Before anyone could ask what he meant the possessed Woody came in with Red who was struggling and shouting at him. Kicking her booted feet in the air.

"You bastard!! Let me go!!"


"Wolf?!" she stopped struggling and PJ smiled as he opened the door of their cage. Bigby pushed Snow back behind him.

"Can you feel them calling to you Bigby? Calling to the old you?"  Bigby just glared as PJ took out the two red crystalline shards he had of the stone and moved towards Bigby. Brown eyes shifting to yellow instantly.

"Stay away from me." he said darkly.

"Why? Afraid of what they'll see?" Snow helped Bigby to his feet as PJ drew closer, "They'll all see who you really are." he sneered before walking out of the cage and having Red thrown in as well. Locking the three of them inside.

The street was dark where Richard Turner and his partner detective Kelsey Brannigan were sat in their car as what looked like a large golden shimmering wolf shot of down the street. An impressive amount of wind following and surrounding it. It turned the corner in a matter of seconds. Richard spitting his coffee out the window.

"D-did you just--"


"A golden wolf?"


"Yeah...ok, just making sure..."

The North Wind spiraled through the streets and alleyways stretching his presence outward in hopes of being able to quickly find his son. The scent was everywhere and he feared he'd arrive too late. That was when he saw it. A glowing white wolf watching him. The ghost of the one he'd left behind, Winter. The red eyes of his current form met her yellow ones and she bolted, North right behind her. He heard her laughter all around him, captured in the tunnel of wind that encircled them as they ran.
They ran for a short time before stopping at a warehouse were the white wolf changed into a human form as did North.


"Hello my love." she said smiling, "It brings me joy to see you again...but it would bring me more still if you would retrieve our son."

"I can't. Either way he would die. I'm not that fast..."

"Listen to yourself...and I went through the trouble of getting you this." she overturned her hand to show in her palm the last piece of the Blood Moon.

"How did you-"

"It matters not. You must make sure Bigby lives and that the Dark Moon doesn't rise." North nodded taking the shard from her.

"We'll see you again." he said with a smile.

"Don't die anytime soon. He needs you." she said before disappearing in a flurry of snow.

"I'll try..." North put the two stones together only to realize what sort of shape it would take, "No...either Bigby dies or something much worse....heaven help me..."
Oh no what's happening!?


The Wolf Among Us: A Dark MoonWhere stories live. Discover now