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Red squirmed in the hug, mainly because he was hugging her so tight.

"Geez Wolf, you miss me that much?" she teased.

He pulled back to take in her appearance. Dark blue eyes stared up into his soft brown ones that often contrasted with his personality.

"I thought you were dead..." Red looked over to Woody.

"Did you know he thought that?" a nod, "Why the hell didn't you tell him?!"

"I-" Red shook her head.

"You stick with me Wolf and everything will be better than it ever was." Bigby chuckled as she took hold of his hand and lead him out of the bar, the case momentarily forgotten.

"So why seek me out Red, I made multiple attempts on your life..."

"Eeh, that's all in the past Wolf, no worries, I came here to see you, Woody said you were feeling pretty bad." she stopped and looked into his eyes seriously, "I also need to confess something sheriff..." he raised a brow.

"What is it Red?"

"I sell on the side...the grandma has been very sick and the bills keep racking up..." Bigby watched her expression and nodded.

"If you stay at the Woodlands you can be protected." She grimaced.

"My worse enemy is going to protect me..."

"Was I that bad?"

She laughed.

"You were pretty bad Wolf."


North and Snow looked up when they heard Bigby laughing as he walked into the office with a young girl in a red hoodie.

"Oh man Wolf, your amazing, you did that to HER?!"

"It's pretty crazy, huh?"

Red looked up and looked over at North and Snow.

"Hey Snow White, North Wind."

"Do we know you?" asked Snow.

"Hell yeah you do! I'm Little Red Riding Hood." Bigby grinned patting the girl on the head.

"Don't take it personally Red, sometimes I don't think they remember me." that earned a look from Snow.

"What brings the two of you in today?" Snow asked haltingly.

"PJ is the one selling the drugs. I learned from Jack that it's call Moon Sugar or Crescents." Bigby stated triumphantly.

"Why PJ? How do you even know about PJ?" Snow asked suspiciously.

"He's a wolf, he sniffed the guy out, he smelt of gross sticky sweet honey so I'm sure that wasn't hard." said Red with a huff.

"Alright...well then, let's go see PJ-" just as Snow went around her desk and North and Bigby shared a glare the door was thrown open and PJ stubble in looking half bear half human. His once sweet face was twisted in pain and his hair was plastered to his face by sweat alone. Bigby was the first to get to him before he fell. Bigby layed him on the ground.


"S-Sher''s coming..."

"What's coming?!" a sudden rage began bubbling inside him as PJ grabbed Bigby's hand, putting something rough but smooth in his palm.

"A Dark Moon..." He whispered. Bigby went rigid at hearing those words, the now lifeless form of PJ in his arms.

"Wolf?" Red asked, fear in her voice.

Bigby had his eyes shut tight as if to hold back a great amount of pain.

"Bigby!! What did he say?!" shouted Snow.

The whispers were back, telling him to change, to let go, it was the stone he held in his hand now. He opened bright red eyes on the form of his father.

"Bigby..." he tried to drop it or throw the stone but he couldn't make his hand do anything that would make it release the damn thing.

"'s this stone...I-I can't let go of it." his vision was beginning to darken. He looked at his father pleadingly for the first time in his life.

And The North Wind heard his son's meantal voice loud and clear.

'Stop me.'



I know, I'm a horrible person to have a short chapter then in with a cliffhanger XD

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