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North stopped mid-step, Bluebeard using him as a crutch. His brows furrowed as he stretched his senses outward. Past the whispers of the shards and through the city but he couldn't sense Bigby's presence.

"Why the hell are we stopping!!?"
North looked over to the other fable with a look of irritation.

"Go back to the office. It's just up there. I need to continue looking."

"What?! You said Bigby was out there looking for Snow-"

"Don't question me." he growled before turning and walking back into the night.
North went to Trip Trap and when he opened the door Red was running to him.

"Oh man!! Mr.North!! He-he-"

"He went with Woody." said Gren from his seat at the bar.

"Yeah, Woody was acting pretty strange." North nodded to Holly before grabbing Red's hand and walking outside.

"Do you have any ideas?" she shook her head.

"No, Wolf said he felt bad about it though, that's why he made me stay here."

They started walking, North feeling where they had gone. The trail dragged but in the end lead to a deserted building. It was dark but towards the back there was a dim light that shown on the floor. A silver blade lay glittering in a large pool of blood. North knelt down his eyes closed.

"That's not...that's not Wolf's is it?" Turning North saw that Red was shaking her eyes wide as disks. A piece of paper just behind her head. Standing up he went and retrieved it.

'Hello North, by what you can see your favorite son is in no condition to put up a fight this time. It was just like it was in the alleyway. You have one of two choices. Give me the remaining shards and Bigby can die a swift and painless dead or resist me and he can die a hellava lot slower.'

North looked to the blood smeared all over the paper and leaned in, his son's scent lingered on the page and all over this building for that matter...

"What is that? What does it say?!"

"They want the shards...either way Bigby will die."

"He can't!!!" she screamed at him, "He can't...nothing can hurt him..." North sighed before patting her on the head.

"To think you're one of my son's friends...It just shows he was able to change."

"I'm not giving up on him and neither should you." she said before walking towards the door. North sighed only to ran after her when he heard her scream...

Bigby groaned as he slowly came back. His stomach was on fire and for awhile there he was sure he was dead. It was a familiar voice that made him think otherwise. One he'd been hoping to hear all day.

"Bigby, are you alright?"

"I'm the one who should be asking you that...Snow..."


I apologize for the shortness, any typos I may have missed and how long this took to update. I'm being forced to deal with the real world at the moment. When I have some time I'll try and upload something. XD


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