Chapter 7: Supplies

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A/N: sorry for the delay, I'm currently working on another story and I've been focusing on that more..

"Ruby did you grab the water!?" Yang shouted while loading a truck with supplies.

"Yeah!" Ruby shouted crabbing a wooden crate in her hands and brought it to the back of the truck to set it down.

"I love this part don't you?" Yang smiled while clapping her hands together.

"Yeah." Ruby smiled and closed the back of the truck once a couple of crates were put in and jumped into the passenger seat of the truck, Yang got into the drivers seat.

The truck started up and Yang started to drive. Ruby stared out the window at the busy sidewalk.

Every Saturday they go and help Faunus's by giving out necessary needs. Usually Atlas soldiers would be following them to protect them but Yang and Ruby left earlier then expected. Not that they were in any danger anyways since the windows were tinted to be darker and hid their identities.

Yang tapped on her steering wheel while whistling before leaving a loud slap on the steering wheel and spoke, "Do you think three years is to soon to propose?" She turned to Ruby for a second.

"Not if you know she's the one." Ruby smiled.

"Yeah but what if it's to soon for her? What if she says no then freaks out because I'm rushing it?" Yang said. "I don't want to ruin it."

"You knew each since high school, I doubt you'll ruin anything and Blake loves you." Ruby assured.

"Yeah but does she love love me?" Yang asked.

"If she can tolerate you then definitely." Ruby chuckled.

"Hey!" Yang punched Ruby's shoulder.

"Ouch, I'm telling Blake." Ruby said rubbing her shoulder.

"Go ahead she's not going to do anything." Yang huffed.

"I'm telling her you said that also." Ruby crossed her arms.

Yang looked at Ruby quickly in surprise but also fear. "If you tell her then I'm not going to help you with your dating app."

"I don't need help on it when I just want friends." Ruby sighed, she was getting a bit annoyed at how Yang kept pushing it on her.

"Alright, I won't mention it again." Yang sighed.

"Thank you." Ruby smiled as she rest her head on the head rest. Her eyes drifted to the road.

"Maybe I'm just aromantic." Ruby huffed.

"Well whatever you are then I support you." Yang added waving her hand.

"I mean I do experience romantic attraction and I do want to be in one but I just.. what if my soulmate isn't alive or never here?" Ruby groaned.

"Maybe you'll find them in the next life then, not every life will your soulmate be born Rubes and soulmates come in different varieties. Maybe that's why some people are aromantic in the first place, yes their born as that but also they just weren't born in a life with their soulmate alive or joining the world and are missing that other part of their soul." Yang shrugged.

"Wow, that's the deepest you've ever talked." Ruby spoke.

"Don't expect another!" Yang joked.

Ruby rolled her eyes with a smile.

Yang stopped the car, putting it in park before taking the keys out. Ruby undid her seatbelt followed with Yang and they both got out heading to the back. They stood in an ally with a door on the left.

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