The River

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How come it was like this, how come she didn't see the River..?
Instead this eerie blue mist.
A last flash of regret for the life she left behind, then her earnest search for the Afterlife begins..

"Hello..?" her voice carries well, even for the timid soul she is. Lush green bushes, a narrow path strewn with old, brown flowers. The eerie light cloaking the air in semi darkness. Now she notices her bare feet, the red dress's festive air a stark contrast to her surroundings. "oh yesss," she muses to herself, "I was going on a date.." voice trailing away, she forgets again, and wonders why she's here. A river, she's heard of a river she's supposed to go to, but why can't she find it? And why is this River so important?

"Can't be!" his fist slams onto the table, a very nice antique one, and with one fluent move he stands, this beautiful immortal monitoring the arrivals to the River of Forgetfulness. He's got no idea why, but lately souls have been disappearing between the Gate of Entry and the River.
Turning to his trusted side-kick the dark-eyed man has a plan. But he needs information first..

Somewhere, lit with golden candles, another man is caressing a coffin. With half a beard and long hair flowing around his black eyes he looks like a wild thing. Few would guess that it's pain, years and years of pain, that sees him in this condition. The reason for his pain is simple, yet so very complicated : love.
Slender hand touches the back of the coffin again. "I said I would wait, didn't I?" he croons softly, the golden light disappearing into his black robe. "The time is almost here, then you will wake up and we will be happy again, my beloved wife."
Or so he thinks. Unbeknown to him a certain young soul is wandering closer and closer to the test he set up. Yes, he is the reason the souls get lost, or rather, his obsession is.

Chanting the one thing clear to her, Minxi walks and walks, seeing only shrubs and trees around her. At one stage she sat down against a tree, pulling her red dress over her feet, wondering how she will ever get out of the forest. And she's forgotten why she must get to the river, but since that is the only thing she remembers, she will do what she can.
Straining her ears, she at last picks up the sound of running water. Carefully, since it's easy to get distracted in the mist, or rather, because of the mist, she feels her way down a river bank, and then she sees it. At last. A river. And what a beauty she is, this aim that drove her, that drew her out of mindless oblivion!
Though of course its not The River, but she doesn't know that.
The water a mass of pearly blue enticement, she finds its pull irresistible. And as her foot touches the water, the grieving man looks up, his eyes riveted on the copper bell hanging on the door 's sudden ring. A rare smile transforms his face, and without another word to the coffin he leaps out of the door.

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