The Return

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Sitting in front of the bronze mirror, Lady Moonlight is lost in thought. She doesn't much feel like a lady, more like a very old woman. Like the 50 000 years she is.
Yuan. She sighs.
Since she ate the Biscuit of Remembrance and remembered her true self, the strange sadness in her last mortal life makes sense to her.
Yuan. It was because of him. Unbeknownst to him the soul who saved him and his very curt dismissal of her, is a part of the true Nian's memories.
And now she can't look at The Master of River the same.
Placing the brush back on the table, she selects a hairpin and is busy placing it into the stately bun Xia her personal servant turned her hair into, when the young woman came in.
"Mistress of Unfortunate Coincidence is here my Lady."
Turning Nian smile. Fluedly she rises and walks quietly to the porch. Seeing her, the mistress comes almost running towards her with outstretched hands.
A warm smile as she hugs Nian. "So good to see you again, I truly missed you. Also.." her voice trails away as she looked meaningful to the servant. Turning to Xia Nian dismiss her and, arm in arm with her friend, walks towards the garden.
Once seated, Mistress of Unfortunate Coincidence, or Mistress bad luck as the servants call her secretly, says, "I saw your collusion with those two, but were unable to change it since it happened outside your mortal life. But believe you me, I was livid with that Master Blue for wanting to wipe your personality. Who knew he went bonkers after Lingue's death?"
This isn't what Nian expected her to say, why didn't she mention Yuan..? Or wasn't it a big deal, did it only happen to have a significance for her?
Looking at her friend's eyes, Mistress can guess where this lady's thoughts went. She sighs and take Nian's hand, pulling her back into the present.
"And yes, he was rude, and no, I didn't think it would bother you this much." head to the side she studies the silent other. Only a faraway sadness her answer.
"If you want, I can organise a very unfortunate meeting with some love crazy immortal for him... Or I can try." mistress adds slyly.
Forcing a laugh Nian pulls her hand away and pour them each a cup of tea. "Now that would be a thing, wouldn't it!"
The rest of the visit is spent in catching up with news on the heavenly front, of which the Butterfly Prince's emergence from his cocoon is the hottest news.
When Nian at last wave her friend bye, she is exhausted and glad the night is falling she gets ready for dinner.

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