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After the unexpected meeting of the dragon spirit, Prince Yun was feeling jittery. Since the night of Nian's stay in the Palace he keep having strange dreams, dreams of a time before immortals, dreams of being hunted and feared.
He realised after last night's dream that this is something the dragon spirit is showing him, some bits of her long long life before. And she is showing him because of his intentions to help prevent her and goddess Moonlight turning into stone. This makes the shy young man smile with a hesitant feeling of being "seen".

"Run! They're headed to the nest!"
His female companion - Bai - is lighter and faster than him and while she runs for the cave, he is trying his best to stall the angry mob intent on killing their wards.
Knowing that Bai and him are members of the sacred guardian sect, White Light, guarding the dragon family and their eggs.
His martial arts is of the best and in no time he's defeated the mob. What worries him is the assassins who slipped away while the mob kept him busy. It must be the Black Ribbons, a sect known to harvest and hoard rarities. Now they want his dragons.
Not on his watch. Flying with kung fu to the cave, he crashes into an assassin about to stab Bai.
Feeling a presence in his mind he looks up, and his heart stops.
One of the babies has wandered out to play, something that has become a habit of theirs.
Seeing the commotion the baby, a beautiful green and yellow female, - Cotton, her name is Cotton - bravely tries to protect the guardian pair fighting in front of her cave. Running forward with a growl she attracts the attention of the assassins and triumphantly they turn to Cotton, bearing down on the little dragon too young to have fire breath.
"Noooo! Run Cotton, go home!" Bai screams incoherently as she throws herself between the flying arrows and Cotton.
Right then a searing fire billows over their heads and the assassins turns into ash, the mother dragon saving her cub, but not Bai.
Feeling his heart break Yun'er falls to his knees next to the already dead girl, her grey dress stained with her blood from the arrows that would have been the end of the brave baby dragon.
Waking up with a yell, "Bai!" Prince Yun is momentarily confused by his surroundings and then, with a sigh, he leans back into his bed.
The tears on his face testimony of the deep feelings he felt.

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