The Ball

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It is the evening of the ball and it is held in an ancient castle rumoured to have belonged to the very first Mistress of Unfortunate Coincidence who one day just disappeared. The current Mistress of Unfortunate Coincidence is also hostess with master of Blue, something no one had forseen. For the ball he has been given permission by the heavenly palace to leave his mansionly place in the mountains.
For the occasion the garden has been made up with iron lanterns, the ground swept neatly and inlaid with a magic that gives a  colour and smell with each step. The colour and smell varies, depending on who you are.
The surrounding flowers and trees are enveloped in fairy mist, making the path the only clear space.
Master of Blue truly did his best to make the event mysterious and memorable.
At the entrance waits two servants, handing masks to the couples and after their announcements one more will take them to their seats.
Since Mistress bad luck is hostess, she helped with the interior, placing the emperor couple much higher than the rest of the guests.
Every couple first bows to the royal couple sitting behind strings of pearly white ribbons (which will be tied back once the talent show starts) before moving on to their seats.
Butterfly Prince Yun did the unthinkable and asked Mistress bad luck to be his date, understanding fully that it is only for the ball, and that since she is technically also Quin's date as hostess, they will not take part in the talent contest.
From his own seat Yun'er have a good view of the west chamber, as the huge hall was called in it's glory days. A slight irritation is lodged in his stomach, and afraid to drink too much, he gestures his attendant over and whispering asks for tea.
His usually tied up hair is let loose tonight, with the front hair tied back with a green ribbon. His grey-green dress fits like a glove, with an over-dress of a darker grey, giving him a serious look.
Where Nian and Yuan are announced, her eyes catches Yun'er after her bow to the Royal couple and in the moment she wonders who he is, he opens his fan, pointing at her, and she realise that it's him.

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