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With twinkles in his eyes Master of Blue just nods agreeingly, and the shame disappears from Nian's heart as if the kiss didn't happen.

Prince Yun'er didn't find much of the information he wanted in his dad's library, instead he went to the Butterfly Elders and there spoke to someone about goddess Moonlight. And what he learned shook him to his core.
The elder nods his colorful head.
After eyeing Yun'er with interest, he touches the young man's arm.
"Come, let me show you something. Come, come." following the old man out of the door, he leads the Prince down many corridors until two huge doors at a dead end.
Touching his pinkey to the keyhole, the elder then spread his wings and press them against the two doors. Turning he taps his foot against the threshold and the doors slowly start to swing inwards.
Looking over at Yun'er, the elder smirks. "My wing patterns are imprinted on the door, and with every new guardian the imprint will change. Come, follow me."
Inside it's huge, some ancient artifacts encapsulated in misty, glowing coffin-like glass cases.
In the middle stands a huge dragon. As Yun'er walks closer in awe, the elder, watching the Prince shrewdly, says:" That's her. The goddess Moonlight turned to stone. Now do you see what a curse was bestowed on your friend?"

Long after he is back in their Palace, the Butterfly Prince can't get the beautiful dragon statue out of his head. And with that ancient immortal's plight comes the knowledge of the dilemma of the current dragon goddess Moonlight to mind.
And she doesn't know.
Making a decision Yun'er gets up off his chair where he was lounging in, and strides out of the door.

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