Part 43

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Everything was so different, my life was completely different than what it had been a few years back, I was happier, I had friends, I had someone that I loved, and everything wasn't a mess anymore.

I could finally just sit down in peace having nothing to worry about, I don't remember when I had last felt like this.

I was standing in the corridors waiting for Arnav to arrive, I couldn't go a day without seeing him, even though we were in the same class, I always preferred waiting for him outside than inside the class.

Every time I'd see him, I felt at peace, I felt so happy and relaxed.

I waited for like ten minutes until he showed up, this guy was always late. He smiled at me as soon as he saw me and greeted me with a hug.

"How you baby." He smirked.

"Pretty tired of waiting for you, why are you late?" I frowned.

"Because I was busy sleeping and dreaming about you."

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes as I turned around to walk to class while he followed me. We both settled down and immediately the lecturer walked in so we couldn't even talk much after that, we just concentrated in our class.

I'd keep stealing glances of him every now and then and just smile on my own feeling so happy to have him in my life, I felt like I had never been happier before.

I mean of course I had been happy, but not like this.

"What?" He whispered when he noticed that I kept on looking at him every now and then.

"Nothing, I just love you." I giggled.

"I love you too." He smiled as he whispered back.

"Then when are you marrying me?" I joked.

"What?" He said it so loud and looked at me in complete disbelief, like how could I say something like this, as if marriage was something so terrible. Everyone in class looked at us, seriously Arnav, was this reaction needed?

"What is going on?" The lecturer looked at him.

"Nothing... I needed to use the washroom." He said as he rushed out of the class as if he had seen a ghost in here or something.

I mean I knew we both weren't ready to get married yet but what this kind of reaction necessary? I was just joking, of course I dint want to get married while we were still in college, we had so much to do before we gave marriage a thought.

The lecturer continued while everyone else in the class gave me some weird looks so I grabbed my things and also walked out of the class.

I rushed around trying to look for him, I found him actually heading towards the washroom.

"Arnav stop!" I shouted, he turned to look at me it was like he was battling with himself whether to stop and talk to me or to run away.

"What was that?" I asked as I caught up with him.

"I can ask you the same question Khushi, what was that?"

"I was joking, deep down you know I was joking, but still you reacted this way about it. Why Arnav? Is marriage so scary for you? I mean someday in the future we would have to get married you know?" I looked at him in disbelief. Why did he have to react this way, I felt so terrible on the way he reacted.

"You know me Khushi... I run away from everything... I've just started learning how to stay, how to hold on, and while I am still learning that you bring up marriage, how did you expect me to react?"

"Just tell me you weren't ready."

"I couldn't... it scared me. I need time, I need to learn I need to grow, I need to be ready to take that kind of a responsibility you know.

It's not like I won't ever marry you, but we are in college we have three years for that then we need to go out there, build our careers, add minimum two years of that... imagine asking me to do something right now that maybe, the keyword being maybe I could think of five years later.

Of course, I'll react this way, of course I'll get scared. I did think you were joking but a part of me was also like what if you aren't?"

"Is getting married to be really that terrible Arnav?" I looked at him sadly.

"No baby, it's not you, it's the thought that I will hurt you, I don't want to do that, I don't want to hurt you, so yes I want to marry you someday but the day I will be sure that I have the capability to keep you happy." He cupped my face and looked me into the eyes.

"Aww, now how am I supposed to be mad at you when you say such sweet things."

"Then don't be mad at me."

"I am not anymore." I said as I pulled him closer and hugged him tight.

"I promise I will marry you someday, don't ever question that, just that, it wont be soon." He assured me.

"I know." I nodded.


After my classes were over, I went to look for Aditi and Jai, so we could hangout incase they were free, I hadn't spent much time with them off late.

I found the both of them seated on the staircase where I used to sit, it was strange to actually see Aditi and Jai hanging out, it wasn't something she would do.

Actually it wasn't something either of us would do in the past, we used to be so full of pride and ego, we would always hang out with people of our class and all that stuff you know.

But then we came to college, we grew, we learnt, and we changed, we realized we should always treat everyone fairly, I guess slowly Aditi too was learning that.

At the end of the day they all were human beings just like us right?

"Hey." I smiled at them both as I settled down beside them.

"Where is your boyfriend, isn't he running around you today?" Aditi asked as she looked around trying to find Arnav even though she could clearly see he wasn't with me.

"You would never get rid of this bitterness would you?" I asked.

"It wasn't bitterness, he's actually always around you."

"So what? He loves me I love him, we love spending time together. People must also be telling him that I am always around him, stop making it sound like it's something bad." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Jeez relax girl, I was just asking where he is, not saying it's bad that he's always with you."

"Okay fine whatever... he's in class yet I thought I'd find you guys and spend some time with you." I smiled.

"Oh, finally you have time for your friends." Jai said.

"You should stop hanging out with Aditi, you're becoming sarcastic like her." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh are you jealous now?" Aditi teased.

"Why would I be?"

"Because we're hanging out and maybe you realize you secretly like Jai and not Arnav." She laughed.

"Seriously, you guys are so impossible." I laughed with them.

"What are you guys laughing about?" We heard Arnav's voice as he joined us.

"Here comes your puppy." Aditi said.

"Because he can't stop following you around." Jai added as they both laughed and Arnav and I rolled our eyes again.

"Wait and watch our day will come too." I said as Arnav sat beside me. I couldn't wait until either of them started dating too so we could tease them too like they were teasing us.

"Not happening until we're done with college." Aditi said.

"Oh don't worry time flies." I said hoping it would actually fly. I couldn't wait to actually finish college, start on my career, become a film maker and someday get married to Arnav and share a home with him. I know we still had a long way to go, but at least I could dream of it and hope it was going to happen soon right?

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