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Just like I wanted, time actually flew...

It was like one day we were in university still studying film making and then the other day we woke up and we had graduated.

Slowly with time, it was like all my dreams started coming true, I had completed my studies, found myself a job, and even managed to make a short film.

I still had a lot to achieve, but this was the start, and I couldn't have been happier about it, everything just seemed so perfect.

Aditi had moved to New Zealand to settle there after she was done with college and I was kind of sad, I mean she was my best friend and now she was so far away from me, but we always talked on video calls whenever we had time.

Jai had gotten married to some girl he met at work last year and he had also started a small business which was doing really well, I was happy for him and that he had moved on and he was happy with his new life.

We all were happy in our own lives actually, of course there were days when we weren't happy but that was what life was right, you can't be happy always, but you can be whenever there's the chance to be happy.

Throughout our college years, Arnav and I maintained our strong relationship, of course with time things went up and down, but we stayed by each other's side through thick and thin.

Like every other couple out there, we had our own disagreements, arguments and even times where we were so mad at each other that we dint even want to see each other face, but in a few days, we would miss each other and make up.

I guess that's what love is about, staying even when things get hard, work things through and let your love win.

As time went by, Arnav grew as a person, it was slow but you could definitely notice the change in his character... he had become less intimidating, people were no more scared of him and he even managed to make a few friends.

He had stopped pushing people away and had started by making himself strong to handle things if they got terrible, and I saw that, a lot of times when we fought, a part of me was scared he was going to run away, but every time he proved me wrong, he stayed and fought for us.

If I'd look back to where I began for, I couldn't believe what kind of a person I was, just like Arnav, I had changed too, a lot... I had realized a lot of things, learnt a lot of things and slowly with time, I became a better person than I was.

When you fall in love with the right person, you become a better person too, I had always heard people say that but I had never really believed it until I met Arnav and fell in love with him.

Love, makes us better people and I felt lucky to have fallen in love with Arnav because it made the both of us who we are today and I couldn't have asked for anything more, this was exactly the kind of love everyone out there should have.

That kind of love where you grow together, you become better people today and stay together through every rough patch, I was thankful to have found that kind of love.

"You waiting for Arnav?" Jiya asked as she walked inside the mansion along with her cute boyfriend, she had just started dating this guy from her college who looked like a nice guy, I dint know much about him but he seemed pretty nice.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"You two should get married now, you're always here or he's always at your house, you're getting old anyway." Jiya teased.

"You mean to say you don't like me coming here?" I pouted.

"Of course I like you coming here, I love you company that's why I am suggesting that you get married then you can live with us forever."

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