Part 28

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I never thought that there would come a day when I would go on a date with Arnav Raizada, I mean in the beginning you wouldn't have even thought about it, it was something that was completely impossible, and now here we were.

He kept on staring at me with his eyes wide open, his mouth too opened up a bit, it was like he hadn't ever seen me like this, his reaction was cute though.

"So, are we going to have our date just standing here?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I was just mesmerized by you." He smiled as he held the door open for me, I walked towards his car and got inside, he joined me and started driving.

"Not bad Mr. Raizada, you do look hot." I complimented him.

"Less than you. You had me staring at you without blinking my eyes there for a moment." He said as he looked ahead and concentrated on his driving while I just stared at him, it was quite hard to believe that this was real.

I mean after all the drama of him asking me to sleep with him, then Aditi telling me about Saakshi and then me doing the whole seducing him thing, and him still choosing to be without me, I never thought this day would come.

If I was being honest here, I had actually lost all hopes and then suddenly he came running to me, I liked that things worked in my favor though, I just hoped everything between us was going to work out well, we had had enough drama's all I wanted was a little bit of love.

"You seem lost." Arnav said bringing my attention back to him from all those thoughts.

"I was just thinking about you."

"I am right here. What were you thinking about me though?" He looked at me curiously.

"Just how hot you look today." I giggled

He just laughed at me, he looked kind of awkward, it looked like he wasn't good at taking compliments but well what could I do, he really did look hot. Hot and yummy, if it were in my control, I could bite him right away.

Okay Khushi, enough with your dirty thoughts. You are having a first date, you can't think all this in the first date.

As he drove through the gate of his mansion, I looked at him curiously, had he forgotten something that he came to take back or what? I mean why were we coming back to his place?

"Did you forget something?" I asked as he parked the car.

"No, we're having our date here." He said as he stepped out of the car and rushed to open the door for me.

We were having our first date in his house? I mean how? What did he have planned? I was confused and curious.

He held his hand out for me to hold, I grabbed it and stepped out of the car adjusting my dress, he shut the door and led me to the garden area.

Once we were there, I stopped and looked at the whole place in surprise, I mean this wasn't definitely what I was expecting for a first date with Arnav.

In my mind, I thought he would take me to a restaurant to eat or something, or to the beach or maybe to the movies, if we were going for the movies, we were clearly overdressed for it, but this was way better than anything I had even thought of.

The whole garden was decorated with flowers and lights, I don't know what he had done to it but it had this really nice fresh garden like smell too, or maybe his garden actually smelled like that given that it was garden like.

"Oh My God, you don't like it." He looked at me nervously.

"What? I mean what makes you even think that?"

"You just stopped walking, and you're looking at this place without any expressions. I ruined our first date already didn't I? I should have just taken you to some hotel or something." He shrugged.

"Are you kidding me right now Arnav? This is perfect. I mean it's way better than everything that I might have imagined about this date. It's so perfect and you're thinking you ruined it. You're seriously funny." I laughed at him.

"Thank God you liked it, I was really nervous about it." He pulled me along to a table that had been set in between the garden. He pulled out a chair for me as I sat down and then he sat opposite me and looked at me with a smile.

"What's not to like about this, the thought and effort you put in this is what I appreciate."

"Well the thought was mine, I would definitely take credit for it, but the work... I just hired people." He said.

"I like that you're being honest here."

"I have always been honest with you Khushi." He smiled.

Damn, I liked how my name sounded from his mouth, it was like music, so beautiful. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he said it.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Why not? What have I said that hasn't been honest?"

"That you wanted to sleep with me."

"Are we seriously going to talk about that right now? I know it was something stupid to do. And in my defense, there was a little bit of truth in there so I was honest." He laughed.

"I see." I laughed with him.

We sat there talking for a while, we talked about college, our course, and other random things and then later, he called the servants to bring us food.

"So did you cook this?" I asked as the servants put the food on our table, there were lots of different dishes and they all smelled really good already, they were making me hungry.

"No. I can cook but not so well and I dint want to scare you off on our first date by my horrible cooking skills." He laughed.

He grabbed a plate and served me some food then handed me the plate and then served himself some as we both started eating.

It was such a great feeling actually, sitting out here in the garden with him, eating and having no one else around us, it was silent and nice.


Once we were done eating, the table was cleaned up by the servants as we continued with out stories, I dint expect him to talk this much on our first date but he was talking nonstop, telling me random stories about how he would threaten people in the university so they could stay away from him and all that.

I had so many questions to ask him but I dint, it really wasn't the right time to ask him seriously questions, it was out first date, it was supposed to be light not dark with questions that would disturb him or anything.

I just wanted to be happy about all this he had planned for me.

"Would you like a dance?" He asked as he held out his hand to me, I nodded immediately as I gave him my hand and we walked a bit further from the garden.

"Music." He shouted and in no time, the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran started playing.

He put his arm around my waist and I felt those freaking butterflies again. We moved on the grass in rhythm, dancing to the beautiful song with the most beautiful lyric.

This date was the perfect kind of dates everyone described, full of butterflies, smiles and happiness. I couldn't have asked for anything more than this.

While we kept on dancing, he leaned closer to me, tucking my hair behind my ears slowly, and for a while he just brushed his fingers on my cheeks and then slowly touched my lips, brushing this thumb over it.

He leaned closer to my mouth and claimed for my lips making me gasp but I let him kiss me, it was soft, slow and beautiful.

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