Part 15

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"I'm curious, can't you tell me what Arnav did to have you hate him so much?" I asked Aditi. We both were lying on my bed talking about stuff. If she wanted me to stay away from Arnav she really needed to tell me why.

Of course she knew how much our friendship meant to me, but if she was going to use it to blackmail me like this, at least I should know the reason right?

"Why are you so curious about him?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"I am not, you just told me to stay away from him so I'm curious to know why. We are best friends, we tell each other everything, so I just want you to tell me the reason behind this."

"Okay fine. You are right, I can't just tell you things without explaining." She sighed. Thank God. At least I would get to know how serious this matter is.

"So I'm sure you must have heard or at least you know that last year..." Before she could even complete the sentence, my phone beeped again, I looked at the screen and it was a text from Arnav.

'I'm outside, you have five minutes, come out and talk to me or I'll come inside, I don't care if your parents beat me up.'

Holy Shit!

I mean who was I kidding? This was Arnav, this stupid behavior was expected from him. I wish I could just say no to him then he wouldn't come here to get an answer. The problem wasn't saying the no, the problem was I dint want to say the no.

"Shit, I'm sorry I forgot to give Jai his book back, he's texted me saying he's coming to take it, I'll go give it to him and then we can continue this conversation." I said to Aditi, I hoped she was going to believe me. Gladly my room was in the backward direction so even if she peeped through the window she wouldn't be able to see who was outside.

"I don't really understand how you became friends with him but hurry up, I'm quite sleepy." She yawned as she pulled the blankets and covered herself with it. I nodded as I pretended to grab a book from my bag and rushed outside shutting the door hoping she wouldn't follow me.

I kept looking behind me just to make sure she wasn't following me, once I was outside, I found Arnav standing right at the entrance, I grabbed him and pulled him on the left side of the house where we wouldn't be seen from anywhere.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked angrily.

"To get my answer. Seriously Khushi, stop playing games with me. It's just a stupid yes or no! Give me my answer and I'll be gone." He said.

"Why are you so desperate?"

"That's the problem, I am desperate and you're making me more by not giving me an answer. I'm not forcing you to agree, if you don't want to, just tell me to get lost and I will. I don't want to wonder whether it's a yes or a no."

"I don't have any answer Arnav." I shrugged.

"Why not? If you want it, say yes, if you don't, say no, simple."

"It's not that simple." I rolled my eyes at him. Should I tell him the reason? Or maybe I should just wait till Aditi tells me her reason and then decide on what I want to do. I think that's for the best.

"Okay, I'll make it simple for you." He said as he grabbed me by the waist and pushed me against the wall, he put both his hands on the sides blocking my way.

"If you want me to stop just say so." he said and before I could even realize his lips were on mine. Damn it! This kiss was just going to make everything more complicated.

It was so deep and pretty rough, he held both my hand and pinned them over my head and with his other hand, he grabbed my waist tightly, pulling me closer to his body.

He rubbed his body against mine, not taking his lips off at all, he kissed me like he had been dying to kiss me since ages.

"Arnav." His name escaped my mouth, I wish I could explain in words how it felt, it was just so beautiful... so magical, I really wanted to give in already, the only thing holding me back was Arnav.

He dint react on me moaning his name which I was glad about, I knew he would just say something stupid, but when I moaned his name, he did bite my lower lip slightly, the next moment he let both my hands go and grabbed my thigh pulling it upwards as he pressed himself against me.

He then slowly slid his hands inside my t-shirt and if he was going to finish everything he started right here, and quite weirdly not even once did I feel like stopping him.

Slowly he pulled my t-shirt upwards almost taking it off, but before he could, I grabbed it and pulled it back down.

I really dint want this, to stop this in between, like on one side it was good, we could just get done with our lust for once and for all and go separate ways but then I wouldn't want to break Aditi's trust once again, I had already done before and it had cost me my friendship.

I wasn't going to lose Aditi just because I was lusting for Arnav.

"I dint say yes yet." I said finally breaking the kiss, it was so damn hard to break it.

"You dint say no either, I was just making the decision easier for you. We both know you want this Khushi, or else you wouldn't even let me get this far, you would have already slapped me or something." He said.

"I... I can't do this Arnav."

"Why not? I know you want it, what's stopping you then? Or are you the one that waits for things like this to happen after marriage?"

"No, I just can't do it. You are right, I want to but I can't, I have my reasons which I don't wish to tell you. You came here for my answer, so here it is, the answer is no." I finally said it.

"Okay." He said as he stepped back from me immediately. It was strange, I thought he was going to try to convince me or something, at least he did know how to take a no though.

"I won't bother you at all from today onwards then. I won't try to talk to you or follow you or try to sit with you or anything. From today onwards, we are strangers just like we were before." He took two steps backwards and then turned around and walked away without trying to look back.

This time I knew he was serious, everything between us was changing, we were going to be strangers once again, I guess it was for good, Aditi dint want me near him and if he stayed away, we all would be happy but I don't know if I was happy about this.

It was so confusing, I dint even feel like going inside the house, I dint even know what was happening to me, I just felt sad about this little thing that was between us ending when it never even meant a thing.

Or did it?

I refused to sleep with him but I still wanted to see him, talk to him, spend time with him and be around him. It was weird, how I went from disliking this guy to wanting to be around him, maybe it was all because of the sexual tension.

At least I was able to say no to him though. I would never have been able to say no if Aditi and my friendship hadn't been broken, but now that I had the chance to mend it again, I wasn't going to let some random guy's lust come in between.

My friendship was stronger than the lust I felt for Arnav.


When I walked back to my room, I found Aditi deep asleep. I dint even get to finish my talk with her, well I guess she would have to explain everything to me in the morning then.

I lied down beside her trying to get some sleep too but I couldn't just stop thinking about Arnav or why Aditi dint want me to have anything to do with him, neither could I take the things that happened between us off my mind.

I wasn't looking for any relationship with him though, I mean he was Arnav, he was mean to everyone he hurt people on purpose, so there was no way he was going to be different to me, such kind of people were mean to everyone, and whoever they said they could be different to just one person dint make it believable to me. It was this lust that I had to get rid of, once that was done, I would go back to disliking him like everyone else.

For the rest of the night, I just kept tossing and turning on my bed trying not to overthink everything regarding this issue.

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