Untitled Part 35

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With time, everything seemed to be falling in place, there were no more secrets not more sneaking around and stuff. Aditi finally knew about Arnav and I and even though she wasn't happy about it, I was glad that she accept it, it felt like nothing could go wrong anymore.

It was like finally everything in my life was perfect, apart from my relationship with my dad, but well I had given up on that long ago and things were fine between us the way they were, I wasn't going to try to change it, I dint want to change it after what he and Aditi's mom did anyway.

All I wanted was to be happy now.

I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs as usual to leave for college, I couldn't wait to see Arnav, hold his hand and roam around the college, it was going to be beautiful.

I was literally behaving like a teenager, wasn't I? But well I had never fallen in love as a teenager so I guess it was okay to act like this now.

I unlocked my car, got inside and sped off, I hoped Arnav was already going to be there, I just couldn't wait to see him.

Was I overexcited? I mean he was already my boyfriend, we had been dating for a while now, but the excitement I felt today was quite different.

Maybe it was because my best friend finally knew, I mean we were hiding it just because she dint know and now that she did, we couldn't be open about it, everything was going to work out so perfectly. The stupid smile on my face just grew wider and wider.

I mean how could a boy make me so happy? How? It was strange.

Lost in my own world of beautiful thoughts I kept on driving not concentrating much on the road but more on the thoughts in my mind, little did I know that these beautiful thoughts would lead me somewhere I wasn't expecting.

I saw a car turn in full speed from the right, and before I could manage to stop my car or even turn it around, it crashed into mine, I swear it wasn't even my fault, I might be lost, but the car literally came on the wrong way, this was a freaking one way road!

I dint really feel anything when the car got it, thanks to the safety belt but before I could even be thankful for being safe, the car hit a tree jolting my body so hard, I don't even remember what I crashed on, all I remember is blacking out immediately.


This girl was going to make me mad, yesterday she told me to come early so we could get some time together before our classes began and now she was nowhere to be seen.

I waited for her for half an hour and then even went to class but she dint show up, she dint even come to class, what had happened to her suddenly?

Let alone coming alone, she dint come at all, I couldn't stop being worried though, was it about Aditi again? Did she change her mind suddenly? I hadn't seen either so could be related to her.

I had even been trying to call Khushi but she wouldn't pick my calls up, what had happened suddenly? She's the one that told me to always talk to her about any problem or anything and we would work on it together so if she had any problem right now, why wouldn't she just receive my call and tell me?

Khushi, where are you seriously?

I went around the university trying to find Jai, maybe he knew something about her as he usually goes to her house first and then they both come to the university together.

I roamed and roamed around, trying to ask everyone around, checking the classes but I couldn't find him either.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out and received the call immediately, it was Jai.

"Arnav!" He said.

"I was just looking for you!" I said, why was he calling me though? He was Khushi's friend, not mine.

"I... I am in the hospital." Jai said.

"What? Are you okay? What are you doing in the hospital?"

"It's Khushi... She... she met with an accident in the morning. Ananya called me so I rushed to visit her, you should come immediately." Jai said in a really worried voice.

For a moment there I dint want to believe it, but why would Jai lie to be about such a thing? I felt so scared and worried, I hoped she was going to be okay, I dint want to lose her, I had already lost the two most important people to me, if I lost her too, I don't even know what I would do.

Oh God, please let her be okay, please.

I quickly rushed to the parking lot, got into my car and drove to the hospital immediately, all the way I kept on having scary and terrible thoughts, I dint want to think of anything bad but the thoughts just kept on coming.

Please let her be okay, please God!


After finding out about Khushi from the reception, I rushed to the fourth floor where the operation theatre was, just hearing the mention of an operation theatre made me realize that it must have been really bad, if it was small, she would be in just a room or something.

I took the elevator to the fourth floor and once I got out of it, I spotted Aditi and Jai pacing around near the operation theatre at the far end.

I ran towards them worriedly hoping they were going to tell me that she was fine, somebody tell me she's fine already!

"What happened?" I asked as I stopped next to Jai.

"We don't know, the driver of the other car came out of nowhere I think, she's injured pretty bad Arnav, they are operating on her in there." Jai looked at me worriedly, he looked worried too. I might not like him much but he did care for Khushi.

"You are just bad luck for everyone, anyone's life you enter, you bring bad stuff along. She was fine until she met you, now she's already met with an accident." Aditi said.

Seriously Aditi, this wasn't the time to be mean.

"I dint cause the accident Aditi, I get it you hate me, but that's your best friend inside the operation theatre, at least show little bit of care for what happened to her." I looked at her angrily, right now when we should be worried about Khushi being okay or not, she was here taunting me. Couldn't she do that later?

"I care for her more than you ever will. You're here right now, tomorrow you'll become a coward and run away again." She looked at me angrily.

She wasn't wrong though, that's what I did with Saakshi, but with Khushi, that thought hadn't even crossed my mind so far, because I had promise, I wouldn't let any problem come between us, I would talk to her, I would solve things, I would make it work and that's what I was going to do.

This time, I promised myself, I wasn't going to run away, not matter how much it scared it, no matter how much it hurt me, I wasn't going to run away!

The doctor walked out of the theatre as the three of us rushed towards her hoping she would give us some good news.

"The operation was successful, she would be awake by nightfall." She smiled at us.

"Thank God!" I said immediately. Thankfully she was fine and she would wake up soon, I couldn't wait to see her and make sure she was okay.

"Can I see her?" I asked the doctor.

"We have to shift her to the room, you can see her then, but one by one, don't gather around her." She smiled faintly and then walked away. The nurses shifted Khushi to a private room and then we were allowed to visit her one by one.

Aditi went it first so Jai and I waited outside.

"Dint her father come?" I asked Jai.

"He's out of the country, we did call him, he said he would take the next flight and come here as soon as he can." Jai said to which I nodded.

After Aditi, I sent Jai to see her so that one they both were done, I could go in there last and sit around her and wait for her to wake up, I wasn't going to feel okay until she woke up.

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