1 - Sirens

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Chapter 1 - Sirens

The song for this entire story: Fix You by Coldplay


An icy feeling courses through my body, my lungs burning at the cool sensation. It felt like I was drowning with every sharp breath I took, my mind spinning with dizziness.

I bolt upright, my chest heaving up and down as I gasp for air. My hands clench onto the cold metal beneath me, questions running through my mind.

Where was I?

I look around in confusion, fear filling my stomach as sirens and red lights blast and spin around me. I crawl to my hands and knees, my breaths uneven and short as I try to crouch down. I look up as the cage I'm in seems to pick up speed when I woke up, a piece of light shining through the very top.

I glance around my surroundings. Where was I? Who was I?

"Oh my god I don't know who I am." I breathe out in fear.

A nauseas feeling overcomes me as I don't remember anything. Not my name, not how old I was, I didn't even know what I looked like for heavens sake!

My hands clench my hair as I try to remember something, but there's nothing. Nothing but blank space filling my mind.

I try to keep calm as best as I can, but it seems impossible as the cage picks up speed and the sirens seem to get louder with every passing second. I need to calm myself down or I'd faint to my disadvantage so I start to take slow breaths.

I close my eyes and keep trying to remember something as I breathe, trying my best to get my mind off of the nauseas feeling filling me fully now. I scoot back against the corner of the cage, bags and boxes surrounding me as I try to move them out of the way. This can't be real.

C'mon think of something please, something to prove myself wrong.

I lean my head against the moving metal, thinking of all the possibilities as to what was happening to me right now.


It seemed like hours had passed when the cage had finally lurched to a stop, throwing my body forward and onto the floor, interrupting my thoughts. My face hits the bottom of the cage with a thud, a sharp pain running across my cheek as I lift my hand to touch the injury.

I let out a shriek when a flash of pain runs through my body as my fingers touch my cheek, feeling a small slice slashed across my skin. I draw my hand back to see blood coating the top part of my fingers like paint

"Really?" I groan, cringing at my own scratchy voice.

I pull myself up slowly, the sirens around me still wailing as the hatch above me seems to open up, light blinding me instantly.

"I hate the sun." I say looking down, why can't it be night all the time?

I look down, my hair cascading around my face as I shield myself from the bright rays. I try to squint so I could see where I was, but it seemed impossible, the light was too bright.

I hear gasps above me which gets my attention, trying my best to look up at the source of the noise.

The cage I'm trapped in shutters as someone lands inside, the clank of metal ringing in my ears as I see footsteps walk towards me.

"It's a girl."

I hear comments above me ring through open air as the sun seems to be blocked out now, shadows not letting the light pass through.

"Again? Is this a joke or something?"

"This can't be real." Another voice sighs.

"Does my hair look okay?"

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