25 - We Kissed

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Chapter 25 - We Kissed

[Recap: Minho kisses Wendy in the map room and follows her when she runs into the forest, kissing her again until Wendy tells him that it means nothing and that Minho was not Newt. Newt finds Wendy in the forest and comforts her, wanting to know what happened that caused her and Minho to become distressed.]


Newt cradled Wendy to his chest, his thumping heart beating violently next to her soothing breaths. She wasn't asleep, no, more like in a daze. Her eyes were wide open, seeming to be compelling her every thought in her mind, and her arms were tucked into her chest as Newt walked her over to Homestead. He wanted to know what happened, no doubt curious about why Minho and Wendy were acting like their best friend had just died. He was going to find out from Minho, knowing he'd crack sooner than Wendy, but first, her needed to get her to bed.

When he arrived at the mass of hammocks, he searched until he found hers. He quickly moved the blanket before setting her down, making sure she was okay and then setting the cloth over her. She shivered, the cold air prickling their skin, so he tucked in it closer before bending down to her eye level and speaking softly.

"I'll be back alright? Just stay warm until I'm finished." he said to her before moving a strand of her hair out of her face, making them both shudder at the innocent touch. "We're gonna go do something after this."

Wendy simply nodded, smiling slightly at him before he turned his back to her and walked up the stairs of Homestead. He knew that Minho would be in there, seeing as though that is where he had been whenever Wendy was unconscious. With, supposedly, Teresa staying in Alby's room, the Med Jacks room was free.

When Newt opened the newly fixed door, his guess was correct as he spotted Minho sitting on the bed with a blank face, his hands resting softly on his knees before he spoke.

"I kissed her."

"Well that didn't take long." Newt had thought inside his head, but as he processed the words, he gasped. "Y-You kissed her? Wendy? You kissed Wendy?"

He should've felt happy about it, glad that his best friend had made a move, but he had multiple reasons to not be so excited about it. One, Wendy and Minho looked like a wreck after they both came out of the forest, meaning that something went wrong during or after the kiss. Two, his face said it all, something was wrong. And three, Newt wasn't exactly thrilled about it himself for some reason.

Minho shook his head sadly, "Three times actually."

"Oh." Newt breathed, his hands curling into his shirt at the thought of their lips meeting, "Um, why are you both-"

"She didn't like it, said it meant nothing." he spoke, finally saying the reason out loud for both himself and Newt. "She's stuck on someone else."

Minho licked his lips, holding back the private information that Wendy wouldn't want Newt to know. He didn't know why he was protecting her, but he was. He knew deep inside that he was never going to let her go because even though she didn't want him, he wanted her.

"Why's she crying then? I mean, if she's the one-"

"Because I told her that things would never go back to the way they used to be. Not after this." he mumbled, dropping his head into his hands as he groaned. "I messed up, man. I shucking messed up everything."

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