24 - Lets Try This Again

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Chapter 24 - Lets Try This Again

[Recap: Minho kisses Wendy the day after she wakes up, but not before they have a screaming match about Wendy never choosing Minho over Newt. During the kiss, she realizes that he was right, that she didn't like Minho even though she enjoyed the kiss, that he was not Newt]


Wendy ran out of the Map Room so fast that she didn't even bother to look at the gladers who were listening in on their screaming match. She felt tears well in her eyes as she dashed into the large forest near the west door, wanting to get as far away from Minho as possible.

She didn't know what she was feeling to be honest. She didn't like Minho more than a friend, but at the same time she enjoyed the kiss. She already knew that she liked Newt and that Minho was her best friend, she didn't want that to change. Minho couldnt have feelings for her. That would ruin everything.

She heard him calling after her, knowing that he was going to catch up sooner or later, so she slowed to a stop, her fingertips touching her mouth, the feeling of him on her like a faint memory.

"Wendy!" he called out again until he finally saw her standing in the middle of a small opening. Her back was to him, her brown hair that was pulled up in a high ponytail earlier now let down in ringlets of brown curls from when he let it loose. "Wendy." he breathed slowly, advancing towards her before he rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't." she said back, her voice laced with so much venom that Minho pulled back. "Just don't. That meant nothing."

Minho's eyes faltered, a pain growing in his chest like a virus as he processed her words. "You don't mean that." he whispered back, grabbing her arm and spinning her around so that she faced him, but her gaze was set on the hard ground beneath them. Minho laughed bitterly at this, "Looks like the roles have switched, now you can't even look me in eye."

Wendy pulled her arm out of his grip like it was fire and wiped her eyes, not wanting tears to fall now out of all the times in the world. "Minho, I can't—"

He grew frustrated and ran his fingers roughly through his hair, wishing he could do that to Wendy's. "Why can't you, Wendy? Why can't you? You can't just tell me that— that it meant nothing!" he yelled furiously, sadness and anger taking over all at once. "You can't just act like you loved it and then say it meant nothing—"

"It didn't!" Wendy lied, knowing that behind that gesture, there was something there that made her enjoy it, "It was an accident! Minho it meant—"

He reached down and pressed his lips against hers once more and kissed with all his might, butterflies coursing through him before Wendy pulled away with shock. Her face was still centimeters away from him, his hand resting on her neck as Wendy shook her head.

"You can't tell me that didn't mean anything." Minho whispered sadly, watching as Wendy's eyes said it all.

"I'm sorry, Minho, it didn't."

Minho kissed her again, this time only for seconds, knowing it'd be the last time he would ever repeat the action. "Why?" he asked her after, tears already streaming down his face.

Wendy's eyes teared up as well, and one fell from her right eye as the words left her lips.

"Because you're not him."

She pulled away and wiped her cheeks before turning away, "I hope—" she stuttered on her own sobs, "I hope we can move past this and go back to the ways things were before."

Minho shook his head and backed away from her, "Things can never go back to the way they used to be."

He turned around and left her there, Wendy's hair a knotted mess, her face red, and lips swollen. She felt dead inside. She wanted to scream at him and tell him that of course it meant something. She wanted to so bad, but she knew that what she felt for Minho was no where close to what she felt when Newt would brush his hand against hers or when he would smile at her or hug her. It was no where close, and she hated it. She knew in her head that Minho was the best option to have as a lover, but her heart wanted Newt. She was torn between the two.

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