18 - Purple and Blue

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Chapter 18 - Purple and Blue

[Recap: Wendy is attacked in the med jacks room by a fellow Glader by the name of Kyle who ended up burning, beating, and hurting Wendy. Before she passes out again, Minho and Newt barge into the room.]


~Newt's Pov~

When Newt stumbled into the room, breathless and worried from everything he heard through the thin wooden walls, he gasped.

His eyes had scanned over the brunette quickly and when he did, it was as if the air was being sucked right out of him.

Her body laid motionless on the bed, her limbs extended and bent in off ways, but what she looked like, her skin, made Newt scream. It was tarred, her once pale and freckled body burnt in numerous places. Bruises of purple and blue littered her body instead, covering her like a blanket as the black ash and dead skin overlapped them. Her face was stone cold, scratches and cuts slashed across her as her eyes stared at the ceiling above them.

Everything played in slow motion as Minho ran and tackled Kyle, pure raging rumbling through him as his fist met the boy's body and face over and over again. Newt didn't care, though, he wanted Minho to keep going until Kyle was...

Until Kyle was dead.

He ran over to Wendy quickly, stepping over glass and tossed chairs until he finally met her disordered body.

Tears brimmed the boy's face as he pushed her hair out of her face, his fingers meeting blood as his heart beated rapidly.

"Wendy?" he asked worriedly, running his fingers over her wounds before seeing the knife in her chest. "Oh shuck, Wendy!" Newt panicked as he saw her eyes glaze over.

"Clint, Jeff, get over here!" he cried to the dozen boys crowded in the door way. His scream made the two boys run over, their eyes scanning over her like Newt's.

"The scissors, do we take them out?!" Newt asked the pair as he watched the girls face turn ever paler than before, her lips contorting to a dark purple at the same time.

When Newt received no respond, he fumed and slammed his hand on the table next to them. "Dammit, guys, what do we bloody do with the scissors?!" he yelled even louder, his face showing pure anger and worry as he screamed at the shocked boys.

Jeff was the first one to come to his senses and finally snapped out of it before putting his fingers over the area around her chest. "We need to pull them out, Newt. Clint get the bandages and thread. Right after I pull the thing out, you start stitching. Zart get over here, Ben you too."

Jeff handed them both rags and rubbing alcohol. "Start cleaning up the burned skin. Put patches on them too, make sure to check for open wounds everywhere."

Newt would've been impressed with his instructions, but he was too worried about the girl who seemed dead right in front of him.

He slipped his hand in her cold one, "Come on, Wendy. Stay with us." he coaxed before sighing and placing his hand on the scissors.

He ripped them out of her chest, sending blood in different directions. After he did, he watched as Wendy showed a reaction and start thrashing, blood spilling from her mouth like a fountain.

"Go! Go! Go!" Jeff yelled as he forced Clint to start stitching, putting pressure next to the wound as Clint began threading quickly under his pressure.

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