15 - Catching Up With Chuck

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Chapter 15 - Catching Up With Chuck

[Recap: Minho trains Wendy to become a runner and Newt takes her to Homestead right after. Now, Wendy lies in bed unbothered until the new greenie shows up in her room.]


I groan as the pain in my side from running kicks in again, making it seem like I was repeatedly running into the corner of a table over and over again. The pain was bearable but also annoying and obnoxious to deal with. Either way, I was mad at Minho for making me run even though I knew it was a requirement.

"This is boring." I yawned as I banged my head against the headboard. "Maybe I should get out of bed and-"

Just as I was about to finish my sentence, the door to the room banged open and I shrieked in surprise.

Whoever opened the door screamed as well and suddenly tripped over the small door holder. The boy came tumbling through; a small and plump figure who already seemed embarrassed.

"Hello?" I questioned as the boy rolled over and stood up quickly, "Chuck?"

Chuck smiled at me, his cheeks red as he gathered the towels he had accidentally dropped. "Sorry-"

I waved him off, "It's fine, you just scared me for a second, greenbean."

He nodded his head at me before scrambling in the room and grabbing dirty dishes and trays before throwing them in a small bin. I watched him as he picked up stray items, feeling sorrow and pity as he continued picking up a large mess that wasn't his.

"Do you like this job?" I asked him curiously as he wiped his sweat coated forehead.

Chuck tilted his head before biting his lip, "Promise you won't tell?"

"Promise." I agreed.

"No," he sighed sadly, "but it's the only job I can handle since the others are either too difficult or already full. Alby said this was the only option open that I was acceptable for. It's sucks." he confessed as he pushed the bins aside.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I threw a dirty bandage in the trash can, "I wish I could help you know."

Chuck nodded his head, "I know, but you're tired. Saw you running this morning, you did good. I was awake since I really couldn't get sleep..."

I squinted my eyes and sensed his discomfort, "Haven't been getting sleep since you came up?"

He hesitated before answering, "Yes. Were you like that when you came up?"

I pushed my hair out of my face and nodded, "Couldn't for weeks. It's still difficult, especially when you're blamed-" I stopped and caught my words in fear of breaking down in front of the boy, "Nevermind."

Chuck dropped his bins and looked over at me, "Blamed for what?"

"Nevermind, it's not important-"

"Zart said there was a girl before you but I haven't heard much, can you tell me that part at least?" he asked and I looked at him to see the boy pouting. I huffed at him, I couldn't say no to that face.

"Fine, but you better not tell anyone I told you." I told him, "You might want to sit down. It's a long and complicated story."

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