Chapter 106

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Got a 'No <3' from the Uni I wanted so that's rlly fun but it's ok, the woman interviewing me was a real bitch. Fuck Manchester, London's calling me.

Triggers: Mentions of abuse, eating disorders

Remington wakes alone in the room, which is unusual. He dresses himself and looks for signs of where Andy could be. His bed is unmade, suggesting he left abruptly some point last night, or early this morning. His book is still on the table, so Remington knows he's not gone to read outside like he does sometimes. He goes to breakfast alone, looking around for the man once he's sat down. He sees no sign of him.

After breakfast, Remington goes back to the room and starts reading one of the books Abigail got for him. He goes to therapy at around midday, still with no sign of Andy, and returns to an empty room. In the evening, he asks a doctor where Andy is, if he's okay, and is given an answer that answers nothing. Remington lies awake wondering where his husband is, getting up the next morning to find he's still on his own in the room.

"What happened," Remington tells his therapist, when he's asked about the fight he had with his brother, "is that they're cunts."

The therapist looks at him, unimpressed. "Let's try and minimise the use of words like that."

"What? Cunts? What's wrong with that word? It's a fun word to say. Cunts. Cunts. Cunt-"

"Alright Remington."

The boy huffs.

"I understanding visiting hours aren't always what you expect and sometimes people come and you don't want to see them, but getting over those fears is-"

"Part of recovery? Yeah yeah, haven't heard that before."

"Are we having a bad day?"

Remington crosses his arms.

"What did you and your brothers talk about?"

"That they're cunts." He pulls his feet onto the chair. "And they'd rather I just 'got it over with' and fucking went bye bye."

"They said that?"

"They said 'stop fussing and get it over with'."

"Both of them?"

"No, Emerson. Sebastian just sat there."

"Do you know why he said that to you?"

Remington huffs again. "Because he's a -"

"Yes, cunt."

"Well how can you say it and I can't?" He asks loudly, agitated about Andy. "He's fucking thinner than me and it's pissing me off!"

"That's not a reason to call him such rude words, Remington."

The boy sighs. "Well sorry for feeling like this," he says dryly, "and you can't tell me not to call him a cunt when he is a fucking cunt." He stands up, says, "I'm done here now," and slams the door when he leaves.

Remington sits in the garden for a while, drawing his mind back into the present when someone sits beside him.

"I keep seeing you around," she says.

The boy hums.

"So what're you here for?"


"I know you."

He looks at her.

"You're married to Andy Black, right?"

"I am."


He hums again.

"You're not very chatty."

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