Chapter 50

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Trigger warning: Mentions of anorexia

Before leaving for France, Andy goes into the studio to finish one more song, since it's nearly done. He promises Remington he'll be back just after two so they can drive to the airport for the flight at six. The man records backing vocals for the song, Jess, his producer, suggesting a harmonising line after the second chorus. He goes to get a drink from the vending machine down the hall and is approached by Phoebe as he's waiting for the machine to fill his cardboard cup.

"Oh fantastic," he mumbles, wanting to communicate his annoyance, aware that he comes across as rude. "What can I do for you?"

Phoebe scoffs. "I came to apologise but now I don't want to."

"It shouldn't be me you're apologising to, anyway, should it?" He pulls a plastic lid from the dispenser.

"Well how am I supposed to apologise to him when I don't have a way to contact him?"

"Him? Oh, charming. Can't even be bothered to remember Remington's own name. And, Phoebe, you wouldn't have that problem if you just hadn't have been so rude in the first place. It's common sense that you don't mention someone's weight."

"You calling me stupid?"

Andy presses the lid onto the cup. "No, I'm saying that I don't care what you have to say because I don't think you're a nice person. Why don't you come back to me when you've learned some manners?" His phone rings in his pocket. He answers with one hand and picks up the drink with the other, turning away from Phoebe. "Hey sweetheart."

"Are you busy?"

"No, not right now. I'm just getting coffee." He glances back at the girl, who sends him a hard glare.

Remington voice shakes as he talks. "Can you maybe, uh..."

"It's okay, take a breath."


"No no, none of that. What's wrong?"

Remington exhales slowly. "Can't eat on my own."

"That's okay. Give me a minute, I'll video call you and we can eat together, alright? I'd come home but I really need to finish this song."


"You take some deep breaths, I'll ring you back in a moment."

Remington is the one to hang up. He looks at the food in front of him, not touching it.

Andy quickly retrieves his lunch from the studio, explaining to Jess that he'll be back soon and sitting in the car for privacy and so it's a familiar setting for Remington. "Hello, beautiful," he says, once the boy answers the video call. "You ready?"

The boy nods.

"You got this. Tell me about your morning."

Remington picks up his fork. "Jenny caught a robin."

"Oh no."

"I saved it."

Andy smiles. He takes a bite of his sandwich and Remington shakily eats two tubes of pasta. "You're an angel."

"How's the song?"

"Pretty good. I'll play it for you in the car if you like."

"I can't believe you're taking me to Paris," Remington says, stabbing two more pieces of pasta.

The older sips his coffee. "It's gonna be so good."

"Can we go to the Louvre? I've always wanted to go there."

"Damn right, we can." He opens the window for some fresh air. "How's your pasta?"

"It's your pasta."

Andy smiles. "Anything that's mine is yours, sweetheart."

"It's nice. Thanks for doing this."

"I'm proud of you for calling for help, you know? I know it's hard."

"Very hard."

"You're doing so good."

Remington smiles. "Didn't wanna miss a meal. Wanna make you proud."

"Honey, I'm already proud. So this robin, was it flying around everywhere?"

The boy shrugs. "Mhm."

"How'd you catch it?"

"Dunno, really. Couldn't do it again if you payed me a million quid."

Andy chuckles.


"You're just being cute again."

"Ugh, shut up," the boy whines, stabbing more pasta. "Y'know, I think you should do this online."

"Do what?"

Remington eats what's on the fork before replying. "Make a video of you encouraging whoever it is watching to eat. You're so calming, I'm sure there are people out there who need someone with your demeanour to help them on a bad day."

"That's a good idea."

"I know."

Andy smiles. "Y'know what, I will do that."

"Good. I think it'd help a lot of people. I'm okay to eat on my own now if you need to finish the song. Thanks for helping me."

"You sure?"

"I'll call if I need you again, 'kay?"

"Sounds good. I'll be home soon, I promise. Proud of you, love you, bye!"

Remington grins. "Proud of you, love you too!" He hangs up, stabs more pasta, and eats it without hesitation.

Andy returns home just before two, hugging his husband and complimenting his un-styled hair. "Got everything?" He asks, picking up their shared suitcase.

"Apart from my sanity."

"Edgy," Andy jokes, opening the boot of the car. "How was the rest of your lunch? You finish it okay?"

"It was pretty good."

"That's good to hear. You wanna film me? I'll make that video before we go."


AndyBiersack: A bit different, I know. This was actually Remington's idea. He was struggling with lunch today and I wasn't at home, so we ate together on a video call. He suggested I make something similar to help any of you who need it. This video is for you. Watch it whenever you need to, it's yours. You can sit with me and we'll have lunch together.
Credits for @kittycatrem for filming.

Kittycatrem: This will help you so much!!!!! As someone struggling with anorexia, I can promise you that Andy is the best at calming me down and helping me eat when I'm having a hard time. This video is such a lifesaver.

PalayeRoyale: Best video of the year!!! @andybiersack saving lives again. Not all heroes wear capes, my friends. This one wears skinny jeans.

I got this idea from videos trending on Instagram. If you need help eating, there are videos out there that will help. And of course, I'm always here x

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