Chapter 108

108 9 5

Triggers: Brief mentions of eating disorders, self harm and substance abuse but it's rlly a very nice chapter. Also talk of sex

Remingtonbbbbbiersack: My charity for men with eating disorders launches Today! Please please donate and support any way you can, this is a really important thing for me, but also for so many men who feel unsupported simply because of the stigma surrounding eating disorders. I always thought I couldn't have anorexia because I was a man and I was kicked out of inpatient for not being a teenage girl. I've had relapse after relapse and had people, men and women, tell me I was doing it for attention because 'men can't get anorexia.' This charity is for all those beautiful men who feel the way I have for years because of fucking stereotypes. Here's to saying fuck stereotypes. Men, wear those skirts and that eyeshadow! I appreciate you!



Remingtonbbbbbiersack: CONFORM

Remingtonbbbbbiersack: FUCK CONFIRM

The men are glad to be back home after a couple months in the hospital. They feel like the months leading up to their stay are finally disappearing into the past, rather than sitting in their minds like they have been. Andy's been sober for three months, Remington's eating regular meals, and they're both three months clean of self harming - the longest Remington has been clean for a good while.

Today, a week after returning home, they decide to have a day out to celebrate the launch of the charity.

"Will you get in the car?" Andy asks out of the open window, watching his husband in the house.

"Chill your tits!" Remington calls.

"What're you even doing?"

The boy laughs from the doorway. "Looking for that jacket!"

"What jacket? You're already wearing one!"

"The red one!" He says, "y'know, with black thingies on it!"

Andy laughs.


"You're just being cute, that's all."

"Oh, found it!" He pulls the jacket off the peg. "Okay, coming!" Remington locks the door on the way out, getting in the car beside Andy and whining when his hair is ruffled.

"Ready now?" Andy asks, closing his window and starting the vehicle.

Remington hums. He connects his phone to the Bluetooth on the radio as they pull out of the driveway. "We haven't been camping for ages," he says, "I feel like we're going on a date."

"Dates are good," the older responds.

"We don't have to, like, go on a massive walk, do we? 'Cause if so, I will be complaining the entire time."

Andy shakes his head and chuckles. "Don't you worry, kittycat, I wouldn't do that to you."

"You're still wearing that dress," the boy notices, poking Andy's leg.

"I am."

Remington smiles. "You're very tempting in a dress."

"Don't turn me on 'cause we'll never get there otherwise."

"Where is there?"

"About an hour down the motorway. So, like, save your horny shit until then."

"Well that's boring," he pouts, "you can't wear a dress and expect me not to say horny shit. Have you met me?"

Andy chuckles again.

"Like...can you blame me for being horny when I haven't been touched for fucking ever? I swear, you fucking put one finger on my dick and I'll cum." He opens the window. "And now I'm hard."

At the statement, Andy glances across at his husband's lap, snorting a laugh when he sees what's obviously there. "Poor baby," he teases, "why don't you just, y'know, have a fiddle?"

Remington scrunches his face up. "Piss off, please. I'm not gonna 'fiddle'. I'm not a sixteen year old horny boy."

"No, you're a twenty six year old horny boy. I see no difference."

"And you're a thirty year old bitch boy."

"I don't think we even need the tent," Andy says, "there's already one in your pants."

Remington whines. "Next time you're hard I'm not gonna touch you," he decides, "I mean, after today, obviously."

"Obviously," Andy repeats, humoured. "If you're that desperate, I can pull over and do something about it," he offers, "there's a lay-by just up here."

"If you're gonna suck me off, then yes. Pull over."

Glancing at Remington again, Andy smiles. "I will gladly do that, princess." He turns the indicator on and slows for the lay-by up ahead. Once the car is parked, Andy unplugs himself and kneels on his seat, leaning forward and unzipping Remington's pants. He pulls the singer's cock out and has him cumming down his throat a few minutes later with relieved, loud moans. "That was kinda hot," he says after, wiping his mouth with the back of his wrist. "Can't say I've ever done that before."

Remington zips himself up with a breathy laugh. "God, I needed that."

"I can tell." He puts a hand to Remington's jaw and kisses him, humming quietly.

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