Stand By You

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Two weeks have passed since the tournament. Everyone acknowledged Lui's and Free's power alongside Valt. About Shu, everyone bore a different view. Most of the rumours about him being possessed by a monster spread like wildfire and Shu found out others avoiding him in the hallways like a plea. He tried his best to ignore them and his friends: Valt, Honcho, Sisco and Wakiya didn't let him bear all the things alone. They were always with him, sticking together. It helped Shu to think about the situation positively. He had his own circle who cared for him, and that was the only thing he wanted.

Lui also seems to hang out with him a lot more than he used to. After the kiss, Shu thought it would be awkward between them, but Lui doesn't seem to care and he was glad he didn't mention it after the incident. It was relieving. Shu and Lui walked toward the dining hall after another session of training. Both of them have been focusing on smoothing their individual powers, the fusion power which allowed them to spend their training time together. "I'm starving," Shu complained, stretching as they reached the doors.

Lui rolled his eyes, opening the door. The inside was buzzing with murmurs and talking. The duo walked to their friend's table where everyone was seated just like any other day. Zac was enthusiastically talking while the other listened. Valt bounced in his seat, eating his food while Wakiya complained about their lack of discipline. Shu smiled, taking his seat beside Valt while Lui walked to Gou. The conversation never seemed to end among them until the door opened and the headmaster walked in. It was only then everyone fell into a stunning silence. It was a seldom occurrence. The headmaster rarely came into the dining area during lunch hours. All of them stood up in respect, watching him walking to the podium in front of the room. The deep voice broke the deafening silence, "I came here to tell you about a new student who would take part to the classes with you all"

"New student?" Zac mouthed, looking at Orochi.

The latter just shrugged as soft murmurs echoed around the room. Shu and Lui shared a look and turned back to the headmaster when he announced the name, "Shirosagi Kira, come in"

Shu inhaled sharply, his head snapping to Lui. His eyes were focused on the door as it slowly opened again. His fists clenched, knuckles white from the pressure. His eyes moved to Gou who held the same concerned expression hovering over his features. Shu could see the surprise clear in each face as the guy walked in. His violet eyes, identical to Lui but lack the intensity darting around the hall as they finally stopped meeting Lui's. The corner of his lip quirked upwards as he shook out his raven bangs from his eye. His eyes then rested against Shu's crimson ones before turning back to headmaster. He walked to the small podium and stood, "My name is Shirosagi Kira, cousin of Prince Lui. Nice to meet you all" He smiled, bowing slightly at the crowd.

Lui gritted his teeth, glaring at the male. His dad clearly knew the disruption between the town. After the incident in the past they barely talked. Lui ignored him by all means but his father held a different opinion about Kira. In his eyes, Kira was an able soldier, a warrior, and the person who would help him lead the country one day. Lui knew no one would believe him even if he told about the betrayal of Kira. Everyone in the kingdom worshiped him. He averted his gaze to the table. Pure anger filling through his veins to the point he couldn't bear to stand in the same room with him.

So, he turned around kicking off his chair as it fell to the ground with a loud thud shaking everyone out of their stance. Heads snapped toward their table as the white tyrant stormed to the door, slamming it behind him leaving his shaken friends. "What happened?" Zac whispered.

Orochi shrugged, "It seems like they are not the best of the cousins"

Soft murmurs filled the room again. Cutting them off, the headmaster talked. "Prince Shu, I hope you can show him around and also he will stay at your dorm. He's the son of Shirosagi bloodline"

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