His Crimson eyes

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First of all Prince Shu was never a morning person. Like seriously waking up in the morning was one of the things he used to hate the most, considering the fact that he did not hate many things. The birds chirped outside and the whole castle was buzzing with maids, butlers and servants walking along the long halls in quick steps finishing all their responsibilities they were assigned with. Shu was still peacefully sleeping on his bed with the covers thrown over his head because of the light filtering through the long windows, sure he liked the sun but liking the sun and waking up in the mornings as he considered it are like two whole new things.

Prince Shu's private butler and maid came into his room to wake the young prince up. The maid went to a corner of his large room to make the morning portion of his medicine. Even though eleven years had passed after he was diagnosed with this illness, he still suffered from it. He could not overly exhaust his body, nevertheless his skills in warfare was excellent. Many of the scholars was amazed by the wit of the Prince. As his teachers said he learned quickly and was intelligent enough to take down his enemies by strategies. But what Shu liked to do was to spend his time inside the castle library. For him, it was a place filled with wonders. That place helped him to forget his problems for a while. Forget about his sickly body and about his weaknesses. Shu spent hours reading and learning about the truth behind the stars and the time of peace and the stories about dragons which to have said that extincted long ago.

His butler took quick steps to the young Prince's bed and patted the covers slightly. "Prince Shu, it's time to wake up. Your parents are getting ready for breakfast my prince"

Shu just groaned turning his back toward the butler who ceased his brows. Waking Prince Shu in the morning was the hardest part of his job and he's possibly growing more and more grey hairs from it in each day. But no matter how much hard Prince Shu can get no one in the castle could bad mouth or hate the young prince because of his unique charms. "I think his highness is talking about some school for young Princes"

This made Shu curious. He sat down, more likely jolted down looking at his butler with eyes filled with curiosity. "A school?" He asked. "Like in the outside?"

The butler smiled. He knew how much the young Prince loved to go to outside. From his birth he was stuck inside this castle. The only thing he had seen is the royal garden and nothing else. He had listened to Prince's rambling of his love to go to the outside and see the world. "I think so, wanna hear it from them?"

Shu jumped put from the bed and put on his slippers trying to race to the dining hall but before he could the butler stopped him. "You should put on some proper clothes my Prince, and make sure to get your medicine"

Shu made a face at it. "But those are bitter" He said sticking out his tongue as if to indicate his displeasure. The butler only stared at him as Shu sighed. "Yeah, yeah that's what keeps me alive"

Cutting through the tension of the air the maid walked to them and handed him the cup which included his dose of medicine. It was made from the medicinal flower called Katuseki which practically meant blood. Shu always thought maybe because it's blood red colour this flower got this name and he often thought what would happen his parents thought about naming him that. Like they'll see he have blood red eyes and think we should name him blood. Shu chuckled to himself at the thought as he gulped down the bitter drink in one go. After a while he was walking to the dining hall where his parents waited for him to tell about this new school.


In the Hyoketsu kingdom the royal family was already sitting around their grand dining table. The untouched food was on the table as the King crossed his arms looking at his son. "So, what do you think?"

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