Gemini ; The Land of Entertainment

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Shu tugged at the silk, the tailor in front of him, assessing her work. It was finally the day of the mission and all of them were inside the main building. They had figured the safest option was to send a chosen group to Gemini. Sending a larger group meant arousing more suspicion. Free and Lui had gotten ready before any of them, the new silk robes fitting their strong bodies perfectly. It had taken a longer time for the rest of them to get ready, especially for the four who had never tried a woman's robe before. Needless to say Gemini had elaborated designs for their clothes. Shu had no idea why they needed to have these complicated patterns that would trip you over your feet.

Shu averted his gaze as the tailor added her finishing touches to the long skirt, the opening hidden expertly by the shrilly folds of the silk. She had chosen a rose patterned white silk for him — trying to match the attire with his eyes, surely. The top of it was designed to have his shoulders bare, the sleeveless top clinging to his body, hugging the curve of his waist before falling in loose folds to the ground. Shu uncertainly stared at his reflection from the mirror, hesitantly eyeing his shoulders and bare hands when one of the women from the village brought him a light pink veil. She asked him to stay still as her skillful fingers took hold of it, wrapping the silk around his shoulders and tangling it round his elbows.

Shu turned, not only did it cover him up, that would really help if he wanted to choke someone. Though he suspected the latter choice was mainly his own gruesome mentality. "Thank you," Shu smiled at her. The woman didn't answer. Most of them didn't. Though they were gathered here to help them, their movements were reluctant and cowering as if they still didn't trust these dangers but would go any lengths to save their young princess.

Wakiya and Ruway were trying not to make any noises as they dwelled with their hair, driving pins to their skulls. Zac seemed to be at ease with everything even going on and the blonde went far enough to give them pointers as to what should be done. Shu was guided to a seat when they finally started probing through his long white locks. He had never had anyone messing along his hair in years. When he was young, it was his mother who always arranged it and then as he grew up, he just pulled it up with his faded leather strap to keep it out of the way.

He watched from the mirror in front of him as one of them undid his ponytail and started using a curler, something he had always seen his mother use at the end of his locks. She slipped in a hairpin shaped like a butterfly and gathered the bangs on his right and clipped it on the side of his head. Shu stayed rock still when one of them started working on his face, applying paint over his lips, shifting it from the natural pink to a seductive deep red.

After a painstaking half an hour they stopped, "Done," She simply conveyed, brushing the skin over Shu's eyelid one last time adjusting the skin colour into a light pink. Shu slumped back to the chair, sighing. It had taken longer than he had expected, the time to leave was edging closer.

He had been the last to be released from the room. The rest were in the main compound passing the strategies and last moment arrangements. Sasha was standing in the middle in all her great elegance, a silver band resting on top of her forehead — an indication of her royalty.

"Shu!" Valt cheered, running up towards him. He was dressed as a royal guard of Pisces just like the rest of them who were aiding the group. The shorter one grabbed his arms. "You're pretty."

"Thank you," Shu murmured, stealing a glance at Lui whose eyes had been transfixed on him since he stepped into the open compound. He wasn't even attempting to look away as he openly stared, heat crept up his neck. "Quit staring," He grumbled.

Lui merely shrugged, "I'm trying to."

"He sure is trying hard," Free snorted, elbowing the male beside him. Both of them dressed in deep blue robes, sheathed swords in their hands though Shu knew it would be useless. Any weapon had to be left by the guardrooms. Their only shot would be the ones carried by the five of them hidden deep in their dresses. A set of clean iron knives strapped into the leather band attached to his thigh would be their sole escape, if they were able to sneak them in of course.

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