A New Chapter

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When Shu saw the face of the man whom he had shot down, a cold sweat broke against his spine. He recognized this face. This was his assistant whom he had trusted with all the information about the dark continent and the person with whom he had worked for this whole month. The man's eyebrows were scrunched in obvious pain. His robes were darkening with the blood from the arrow wounds in his body. "You're-" Shu started when another thought tackled his mind. This man was introduced to him by the main commander of the kingdom. He was the closest man to his father and they together conquered many battles. Had this man deceived the Commander too? Is he the one responsible for his mom's sickness? "I trusted you" Shu murmured, when the man smiled despite his wounds.

"And why did you?"

Shu didn't know what to say. He raised his eyes and looked around. None of the others had any idea what he had just discovered. He was about to call for Lui and to explain the situation and how he knew this man when the commander stood in front of him, blocking his view. He was staring at the man on the ground. The same man whom he had introduced to Shu in order to rid him of too much of a burden. "Commander Moriyama, this man-" Shu was cut off by him. The man crouched in front of him with a grin and Shu went pale. Was the commander in this too? Is he the mastermind? "You knew this?" Shu asked, trying to keep the betrayal out of his voice. His position was fatal. The commander was crouching beside him blocking him from the rest of the group. If the commander is a traitor, anything could happen.

"I introduced him to you, didn't I?" He started, tugging at his dagger secured in his belt. Shu reached for his ruby ring, ready to defend himself.

"You betrayed my father?" Surprise crept along his tone. This person was considered the man who was most loyal to his father. What happened? "How long?" Shu asked, unable to keep his voice quiet. "How long have you been working against us?"

The commander opened his mouth almost as if he'd answered but the next moment, he was on top of Shu, his dagger just merely inches away with Shu holding onto the blade trying to stop it from slicing his throat. The shiny material cut through his skin, drenching his hands with blood. "Shu" Lui's voice echoed. The commander didn't look alarmed by the sudden attention. Shu could barely see from his towering figure pressing him down. "Get off of him" Lui growled, trying to launch himself at the man when he warned.

"Take another step, Prince Shu's life would be in danger"

This brought Lui to a stop. The flame haired male uncertainly looked at the others who were equally alarmed as he was. Free grabbed Lui's wrist, shaking his head. It was too dangerous to attack when Shu was in that position. King Kurenai clenched his fist. "What do you want, Moriyama? What's going on?"

The commander pulled back from Shu and loosened his grip and pulled them both to their feet. The dagger was closely pressed against his throat. The commander's grip tightened as he answered. "Stop the expedition right now and Prince Shu will live" There was a silence as everyone let the truth sink in.

"You're-" King Kurenai started when King Shirosagi finished it for him. "You're working to the dark continent"

While the adults were trying to figure out what to do, Shu was staring intently at Lui. When the latter finally caught his eyes Shu made a silent gesture from his hands. Lui raised his brow. If it was months earlier, he wouldn't have even gotten what Shu was trying to say but right now he could exactly decipher his idea. That was the gesture Shu used whenever he wanted to talk about Lui's ice. Lui nodded quietly, getting ready to attack with his ice. He waited until Shu was ready to dodge and when the albino finally gave a quiet nod, Lui attacked. The conversation came to a stop as the commander pushed himself away from Shu and jumped to the side. Shu barely escaped the ice attack. Everyone scattered, alarmed by the sudden change of events. Natsu burst into the garden right at the cue, looking breathless. "This is bad. The main gate is being attacked. We need reinforcement there."

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