I Miss You

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Shu's heart was racing. His cheeks were coloured a healthy pink as their horses trotted along the path. After leaving Hyoketsu they all camped outside the borders for a quick rest. All the soldiers who came to save him were singing, cheering and flocking around with him in pure joy. Shu had never known how much his kingdom loved him. He enjoyed their love. But his heart was still echoing the three words. They had loved each other silently, in their own ways and chose to confess at the most dire moment in their lives. As usual, they were plain ridiculous. Moeru was close. The sun was already setting from the west. The familiar outline of the city caught their eyes and soon they were in front of the massive gates bordering the kingdom. Shu inhaled sharply. He was home. After months he was finally home. The soldiers let out a cry of joy as the gates opened. Citizens were standing on each side, trying to get a look of him and the arriving crew.

Shu wondered what he might look like to them. All bruised and bandaged. Where there wasn't bandaged are coloured with dark bruises. It would take weeks to heal and months for the scars to fade. He could care less. He was home and he was alive. The citizens immediately cried out in joy. Shu spotted some shedding genuine tears of happiness. The whole kingdom was one big festival. Everywhere were flags, flowers and decorations. They had gotten ready for his arrival. A smile touched Shu's lips as his eyes scanned the crowd. Everyone is trying to get a look at him. His heart was swelling with the feelings of love and hope. Shu turned his attention back to the main plaza where she stood.

His mom stood among her courtiers. She looked as if she hadn't slept in days. Her usually bright face was lined with worry. Dark circles under her eyes shining with unshed tears. Shu jumped off of his horse and walked right into her open hand melting inside her warm embrace. She gripped onto him as if he was a dream that would fade away if she didn't hold on tightly. "My baby" She whispered, running a hand through his messy white hair that had gotten longer the past few weeks.

Shu pushed away with a smile and noticed his mother's eyes scanning his bruises and scars. "I'm fine, mom"

"He's not," His dad offered, walking to them. Shu juts out his bottom lip in annoyance. He made a surrender notion raising his brow. "I'm speaking the truth"

"No, you're not" Shu shot back, scowling. The queen looked between them and laughed softly. An instant smile touched his father's lips as he reached down to ruffle Shu's hair. The three of them were together again. After weeks of struggling, doubt and heartbreaks they were together as a family again. Shu was sent straight towards the medical rooms upon his arrival. Shu went through everything without much of a fight. His mind was too occupied to do anything else. His father had to leave for another war council. His mother was busy with the inner courtiers business. It was like the truth was finally sinking into his mind. There would be a war. And everyone was getting ready for it. Every single kingdom is sparking a cold war. Shu wasn't sure when they would all be taken out by the fires. Shu kept looking around after he left the medical rooms. He kept expecting to see him after arriving in Moeru but there was no trace of his cousin. His thoughts were broken by a deafening call. Shu instinctively turned to meet with a crushing hug from his best friend which sent both flying to the ground. Shu let out a surprised laugh. Valt pushed away, "You're back! I tried to go with King Kurenai but he said to stay behind and help father to organize the war. I've been dreading the whole night and I didn't even have any appetite. I was so scared! I was so worried"

Shu put his hands up, "Whoa, Valt, slow down. I'm sorry I worried you. But I'm here, alive and well"

Valt gave his wounds a skeptical look, Shu groaned, "At least I'm alive"

The shorter male grinned, standing up. He offered his hand to his best friend pulling him up from the ground. The worries which weighed him down the past few weeks finally left his heart. After arriving at his kingdom, he made his way to Moeru as fast as he could. He volunteered himself countless times to help Shu but they needed a plan before going on a suicide mission for Hyoketsu. Now that the war is officially back, it was even harder to cross the borders but right now, seeing his best friend standing in front of him. Valt knew he could take any challenge. "You kept the promise" Valt smiled, "Thank you"

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