Our First Lesson : Trust

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The sunlight filtered through the windows casting their sun beams to the room. Zac was the first one to rise, the blonde haired prince opened his eyes blinking hazily as the world came into focus around him. He sat down looking around. Free was still missing from his bed, Shu and Lui still had their curtains drawn. He looked at his side to see Prince Valt. Sleeping soundly not caring about the sunlight directly hitting his face. Zac hopped out from his bed and went to the windows, opening them he took a fresh breath feeling all the pleasant smells catching his nose. Not after long the others also started to wake up, Lui brutally drew away the curtains almost ready to rip them apart. Xander had to dump a water bucket over Valt's head to wake him up from his deep sleep. 

Shu drew away his curtains and stepped out, yesterday incident still fresh inside his mind. But thankfully both of the boys kept ignoring each other the whole morning, the whole room was in chaos because of the morning rush when Free lazily walked in. Lui narrowed his eyes, "Now you come,brat"

Free shrugged laying down on his bed, "I had a pretty good sleep back at the library. So quiet"

Zac frowned at him. "But you have to stay in this room at night. That's the rule. Be glad we're such good friends that we won't report you"

"And I don't belong in that friend part" Lui said walking out of the room. 

Free tilted his head looking at his rival leaving the room. Then he turned to Shu who was putting on his shoes to get ready. "You found your way back safely right?"

Shu blinked looking up to Free. "Yeah, you gave me the instructions pretty clearly"

Free hummed, "I guess I did"

The students walked through the corridors to reach their massive dining hall. Valt squealed as he joined with Honcho and Wakiya. Lui sat down beside Gou giving him a simple nod. Zac sat down right in front of them with Xander and Ruway. Free went to a corner where he can eat peacefully without anyone bothering him with talking. The servants rushed through the tables placing the food and the drinks. The sweet aroma of meat passed through the air making them hungrier and delighted. Shu was the last one to enter the dining hall, he quietly passed through the long tables when one of the servants crashed into him, dropping her water container all over his clothes.

 There was a stunning silence as the aluminum bowl hit the ground with a loud clank. The servant looked utterly terrified, if it was Zac she would've have a bit more relief because everyone knew Prince Zac was a kind person. But the prince standing in front of her was someone completely new to her. She bowed trying to apologize when Shu talked. 

"I'm sorry, are you hurt?"

The servant stood back up, her eyes widening in surprise. "N-no my p-prince, but I'm s-"

Shu cut her off slightly shaking his head. "It's my fault I wasn't looking. I'll go and get change. Sorry again" He said turning around to leave the hall. 

Xander cleared his throat cutting off the silence overtaking the hall. "Well, Prince Shu is a kind person"

Zac smiled. "Shooting star is someone indeed special" Zac turned to Lui who was eating his food silently. "Don't you think Lui?"

"Don't make me start with this shit again" He grumbled poking on his food. Zac didn't say anything. He knew Lui rather well and if Lui wanted to crush anyone he wouldn't stop until he reach his goal. But he knew that Shu would be different from all the opponents Lui faced in his life. And just maybe Shu would be the person who will have the chance to win against Lui one day. His thoughts broke as he recognized the familiar mop of white hair wandering through the tables again. Zac stood up. "Shooting star! here"

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