Working together

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The welcoming sunlight filtered through the curtains, indicating them about another new day. Everyone knew, that Zac was the one to wake up first every day and after that everyone dragged their lazy feet across the dorms completing their morning tasks. And this morning was pleasant that the other ones. Because of the yesterday events, everyone had hope that the two princes would make up their broken relationship. Lui sat down on his bed, crossing his arms as he watched outside of the window. His mind wandering back to their fight yesterday, it was fascinating, he knew. Because it seemed like Shu hadn't wasted his time goofing around the castle, instead he was sure Shu had some serious training sessions. Breaking his thoughts Shu woke up, yawning to the back of his hand as he climbed out of his bed. His hair sticking out from here and there. Lui scowled, looking at him. "Idiot" He said loud enough for the other to hear. 

Shu rolled his eyes. "Good morning to you too" 

Shu stepped onto the cold floor trying to flatten his messy bangs, but failing to do so. Lui stepped out from his bed and walked to him. "Do you know what you did yesterday?"

Shu blinked, "Me? Ah yes" Shu said crossing his arms, turning to face the white tyrant in front of him. "Some stupid idiot dragged me into a fight and we ended up at the Headmaster's office"

Zac choked on the water he was drinking. "You two did what?"

"I mean after that" Lui pointed out ignoring Zac's very existence itself.  Shu blinked, after that? He thought confused for a moment. He did remember being dragged again to clean and then everything was a blur. 

"What happened?" Shu asked, not wanting to be left in the dark about the memory he's missing. 

"You slept in my bed" Lui said smirking, he was sure Shu did not remember anything about that incident. 

Shu's face turned from surprise to a terrified expression. He jumped back from Lui wrapping his hands around himself. "W-what did you do?" He asked, his face flushing in red. 

Lui tilted his head trying to figure out what he was really saying when Xander burst out laughing. "Oh my god Shu, don't think that far"

Shu blushed to a even more darker red. "I don't remember what you're talking about"

Lui stared into the space for several minutes, his eyes widen realizing the situation. Shu is thinking that he- oh my god. "What the-" He said looking at Shu from his head to feet. 

"Don't look at me, you perv" Shu squeaked jumping to the side. 

"The hell did you just called me? You're the one who's letting your mind go wild Kurenai" He yelled, a hint of pink covering his cheeks. 

"You're the one who told me that I slept in your bed"  Shu said in a defensive tone. "Besides I don't even remember coming back to the room."

Free walked to the duo, he was still sleepy and among all of this the troublemaker duo was yelling at each other early in the morning where he would've spend his sweet time sleeping a bit more. "Nothing happened Shu" Free said placing a hand on the albino's shoulder. 

Lui scowled, "As if I'd ever want to do that with a loser like you"

Shu covered his ears in frustration, "I'm leaving" He said walking to the doors in frustration. Zac smiled looking at both of them. 

"That was quite a misunderstanding" 

Lui growled. "Shut up"

Valt grinned at both of them. He didn't understand a thing that happened right now but it seemed to be amusing enough to make half of the dorm doubled over from laughter. He wordlessly jogged to Shu, "I'm coming with you" He said, as they both exited the room. 

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