Rely On Me

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After discussing the plan with Sasha, Shu walked out. The sun was setting from the horizon, colouring the colour in a sea of oranges and crimson. Shu tilted his head to the side, listening to the rhythmic chant of the villagers in front of a temple. He stopped for a moment, observing them. From young children to old men, all stood in lines in front of a massive replica of two fishes. One of them was standing on the small podium, a bell in his hand as he rang it in certain intervals. The paper lanterns were glowing vivid orange, swaying into the comforting breeze.

One of the children turned and casted his big grey eyes upon Shu. The latter smiled, the child watched for a second before returning a small shy smile turning back to the sermon. Shu resumed his walk, feeling the peace settling in his mind. Somewhere in the forest were his friends, training for the upcoming battle. He really hoped Lui would be in the tent. His wounds were still fresh and Lui would be in danger if he infected them or reopened them while training.

When Shu walked into the hut, he was greeted with the familiar face of the White Tyrant. He was not sleeping. Instead, Shu watched as the male patted Lunar's head boredly. The wolf to her part was calm and quiet, enjoying the warmth of Lui's palm. "Hello"

Lui turned, "We're friends now"

Shu laughed, closing the door behind him. "I can perfectly see that" After a beat he added, "You look awfully bored to me"

"I am"

With a yawn, the wolf stood. Trotting towards the door, she nudged at Shu's leg longingly looking at the wooden panel. Shu sighed, kneeling in front of her. "I'll let you out. But don't wander into the village, okay?"

The wolf stared, as if she understood his words. After Shu opened the door, she was out, dashing across the short huts to the forest behind the area. Her thick, silky fur flowing around her body. "So, how did the plan go?"

Shu closed the door for a second time and walked towards the bed. Lui was sitting now. He moved closer as the albino sat down. Shu dropped his head to Lui's shoulder and answered, "We're having a meeting at night about the plan. Risky, but we'll have a chance"

"I hope I am included"

Shu pushed away from him, "Lui, you're injured" His pale white face was serious. Lui peered into his face, staring deep into his crimson eyes, the male talked.


Shu sighed, he knew this was going to happen. Lui's stubbornness was something no one could handle. But for his good, Shu wanted him to stay and take a rest. He didn't want to put his life in danger anymore. "Lui, listen. I know you can fight and you are strong. But this is too risky. I can't-"

He was already shaking his head, "No Shu" Shu winced, Lui rarely used his real name. Though he didn't like to admit it, he liked it better when Lui used his own pet name to call him. "I'm not weak. I can handle this battle. You can't keep me out of this."

"I'm not trying to. But I don't want you to get hurt again"

"I won't" Lui softened his voice, he placed his hands on Shu's shoulders. "I'll be careful. I can't just sit here and watch when you all go into that place. I want to help. Snowflake, please"

Shu averted his gaze and studied the bed for a moment. "Okay" He quietly answered. "But after the battle, you have to promise me to rest. Do not move recklessly or put yourself in a dangerous situation" Shu was rambling now. "If you once step into the battle recklessly, I'm going to send you back here"

The serious mask slipped of from Lui's face, "You sound like headmaster now"

Shu scowled, "Shut up, promise me"

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