Another Side of You

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Shu sat down on his bed, cross legged as he watched the others enter the room after their training sessions one by one. It had been two days since the circus incidents and it turned out that their teamwork was worse than they both expected. One time, Shu almost burned Lui alive and the other time Lui froze Shu into an iceberg. The opposition of their powers always worked negatively in their attacks which made the duo frustrated so easily that they both would end up arguing the rest of the day. The other teams steadily improved their teamwork, even Wakiya and Honcho was doing a good job putting aside their odds and arguments when they're training. The headmaster only shook his head to himself as he watched the trouble duo arguing while the others trained concentrating on polishing their moves. Lui came into the room scowling at the albino which Shu gladly returned. "You two have to step up your game" Free warned, sitting down on his own bed as he leaned against the headboard. "Or that wiping the ground with us is going to be just talk"

"Why you little-" Lui growled walking toward Free. But before he could Shu intervened standing in front of him.

"You sounds like an old grumpy shark going all out on others just because you can't do anything"

"Oh," Xander said, crossing his arms as Lui instantly grew red from fury. This is not at all going to end up good he thought as Lui lunged at Shu pinning him to the bed.

"I'll make you regret those words," He said icing his hand just as Shu kicked him away. Taking the kick by surprise Lui stumbled a few steps back, falling off the bed. Shu jumped out racing to the door. Lui chased behind him and grabbed his leg tugging on it making the albino fall over with a grunt.

"Ow" Shu complained, holding onto his arm. "I think you broke it"

Lui raised his brow. "Drama queen, you almost burned me today!"

"You iced my whole torso! I still have frost bites"

"Oh well" Zac shrugged, wiping his face from a towel. "This is not going to end well"

"It certainly won't" Valt confirmed, yawning. He and Free were the two who were stepping up their game in a massive manner. Their sword plays are almost in sync and the strategies they used to tore down the enemies required a massive and solid trust in each other which they already had. Shu sat down on the floor looking at Valt.

"Not fair, you all got humans as partners while I'm stuck with this monster"

Xander burst out in laughter. "In my defense" Lui walked to his bed and sat down glaring at Shu. "You're just a chicken"

"You guys are hopeless" Valt grumbled closing his eyes to sleep. Zac leaned against his headboard making a thoughtful face.

"We're having a festival tonight in the capital city. Sad we're not allowed out after curfew to enjoy it"

Shu perked up suddenly, forgetting his fight with Lui. "What festival?"

"We worship the God of Sky, Zeus. He is the patron of the lightning and brings people fortune. And there is another goddess we worship. She's the patron of the night, Nyx. And as the legends go on her power is strongest when a Lunar eclipse happens. And as our overseers said, one will happen today. The Nyx festival will commence in the capital"

Shu looked at him as if he was hypnotized by his words. His crimson eyes shining with pure curiosity and excitement just like a child, who just received his christmas gift. "That sounds so amazing. Have you ever seen a Lunar eclipse?"

"Do you know what happens in a Lunar eclipse?" Lui suddenly asked, taking Shu's attention. He moved toward albino with a dramatical silence. "That happens when..." Lui stopped right in front of Shu, the boy was curious, and it was clear to all the others in the room. "A large chicken eats the moon" He suddenly said. Free snorted turning to his side trying to suppress his laughter. "Then, since the moon is too big for it, it throws it back up to the sky. People call it a Lunar eclipse. But truthfully it's just a chicken throwing up the moon"

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