Live for Me - Part I

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Shu looked out of the window. He was still inside the small cottage they'd left him, Lui was sitting on the bed beside him, mindlessly flipping through one of the scrolls he'd found. There was a dread settling inside his stomach, a sense of impatience mixed with despair. What he discovered might hold fruit for their further expeditions on truth, but he knew the end was near. They had dispatched a message to the mainland and they were probably taking their ships to the harbour, ready for the voyage. It was only a matter of time when.

"Lui," Shu said, leaning against his shoulder, "Don't you think it's weird?"

Lui stopped reading and looked at him, "Hmm?"

"Don't you think that it's weird that the angel looked like me to begin with? I mean, I look like my parents, most of us have red eyes and white hair, it's like a symbolic feature of our royal blood. So, does that mean we're descendants of it? But wouldn't it make more sense if the People of the Moon were the descendants? They had the angel, it was in their land the angel was murdered."

Lui caressed his locks, seemingly lost in thought. "It would make sense that way, but before your Kurenai family became royal blood, they might've been a normal family. Remember? Thrones and royalty are acquired through coups too. One family doesn't retain, and another grab for power. It's a cycle of vehemence and violence. But all this becomes true if we believe in the angel at all. What if it's just a legend?"

Shu hummed, reaching out to Lui's hand, intervening with their fingers as he thought back to the possibilities, if it was all just a legend, and the Demon lords were imprinting an idea inside people's minds to evoke fear, why was he targeted? Why didn't they just choose someone from this land itself, wouldn't it be easier?

There was a knock on the door, "Come in," Lui said as Daigo walked in, he didn't seem to be bothered by their intimacy, "The rest are here, we can start now."

Shu rose himself from the bed and nodded. "We'll be there."

When the pair walked towards the mess hall, the rest were talking among themselves over tea. Shu watched Valt's animated face as he described something from the mainland, and Shu wondered how long will it take for them to reach here. "Here he comes," Lain grumbled.

"Well, we're waiting for your wisdom," Jin said, the ghost child was perched on his shoulder, and unlike other times, he didn't fly his way over to Shu, just sat there, his haunting empty eyes daring to look at him. Shu knew why. There was a mistrust building among them, that was one of the conclusions he came up with.

Shu sat down between Free and Lui, "I have a question before anything else, do you know anyone else with this same syndrome? Anyone else except, Jin, Lain, Ken, Honey?"

Daigo frowned, his ebony eyes narrowing in confusion, "Not that I'm aware of, why?"

"Because I'm almost certain there's another one," Shu answered, leaning back on his chair. "Each of you represents one aspect of human sense."

Ken gave him a questioning glance as he spoke through Keru, "What do you mean?"

"Look, Honey, can hear, right? She hears everything, the screams, the whispers. And Ken cannot speak, and Jin can see all these horrible things and Lain-" He stopped looking at the young assassin, "Well, Lain can feel it on his skin. It's the five senses, and that's why I said one is missing. Hearing, Seeing, Feeling, Tasting and the smell, there has to be someone who's incorporated with that sense if this plot makes sense."

"It doesn't make sense, what role do you play then?"

Shu smiled, "Well, I guess that they couldn't do it. All these extended senses, a single human vessel cannot hold it. So, they distributed all of them randomly among different people and then me," Shu grimaced, "I'm in the middle because I feel everything, not all the time but when I do, it's a collection of all your symptoms. Let me ask you another question, were there times in the past when your pain suddenly faded away? Like out of the blue, it went away and came back?"

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