Chapter two

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Lena's POV

I was chasing down Keira to put her in the bath when my phone rang.


"Hey, Lena. Where's Keira?" Ashton, Keira's father, asked.

"Hey Ashton. She's running from me. Think you can convince her to take a bath?" I asked.

He chuckled. "It used to be only Ha-I mean, Liam that could get her in the bath." He said.

Suddenly he wasn't laughing.

I frowned. "Who?" I asked.

"No one. Sorry. I'll talk to her. Give her the phone." He said.

I sighed. "Keira! Daddy's on the phone for you!" I called.

She came running and took the phone. I gave it to her and she ran off, babbling away.

I went to find Justin.

"Hey, babe?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I was wondering. I was talking to Ashton and he said that someone used to be the only one to get Keira into the bath. But then he broke off and said liam. Whoever it was had a name that started with an H. Any idea who he's talking about?" I asked.

I'd lost my memory four years ago in a car accident. The only reason I'd gotten my bearings back was because of Liam and the band, Justin, and Ashton and the others. And Kathryn.

Speaking of Kathryn..where were they?

"I don't know babe. Did you get Keira in the bathtub?" Justin asked.

"She's talking to Ashton. I'll get her in a sec. What time are Niall and Kathryn getting here?" I asked.

"About an hour. They're bringing Blake." He said.

Blake was Niall and Kathryn's three year old son.

"Okay. Keira can play with him." I said.

And with that, I went to wrestle the holy terror into the bathtub.


"So, Liam's coming to visit with big news?" Kathryn asked.

"Yeah." I said. "He's staying here."

"What's the big news?" Niall asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Maybe he and Sophia are finally pregnant." Kathryn suggested.

"I hope so." Justin said. "God knows they've waited long enough."

"Speaking of waiting." Kathryn said. "When are you two getting married?"

"Soon. We've picked a date." Justin said.

"Yeah. It's the fourth of April. Two months away." I said.

"Awesome! We have to get your dress!" Kathryn cried.

"Really though." Niall said. "You need to start planning."

"We've got it."i said.

Suddenly Keira and Blake came running in.

"Mummy Blake is being a meanie!" Keira whined, climbing into my lap.

"No I not!" Blake shouted. He looked at his parents and pointed at Keira.

"She's telling stories!" He wailed.

"Calm down, Blake." Niall said.

"Keira, tell me what happened." I said.

"I was playing and then I tried to show Blake where to put my toys, cause Daddy Justin told me not to throw them in the floor anymore. And then Blake wouldn't do what I said!" She exclaimed.

"Nuh uh!" Blake shouted from Nialls arms. "She took my toy from me!"

"Keira, did you do that?" Justin asked.

"I put it with the other toys cause he wasn't playing with it!" She told him.

"Okay. Keira, you and Blake don't have to clean up until you're done playing, okay? Just play nice." I said.

"Blake, don't be mean to Keira." Kathryn told her son.

"Okay." They said.

Niall and I put them down and they ran back to Keira's room.

"Lord." Kathryn said.

"I know." I said.

Niall chuckled. "Keira sure was mad." He said. "Turned all red. Just like her mum."

"Oh, shut up. Blake was so mad he probably peed on himself." I said. "Just like his father."

"Damn!" Kathryn and Justin said.

I laughed.

"Don't worry, Niall." I said. "I still love you."

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