Chapter thirty eight

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Liams POV

Lena returned to the hotel room looking slightly breathless.

"You sprint up here?" I asked.

"No, i-um- just tired." she gasped.

"Lena?" I asked. Something was wrong. She couldn't lie to me.

"Lucas Graham says hello." She blurted.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I gotta go." She said.

She walked out of the room.

Zayn's POV

Someone knocked on my door and I went to open it. Lena was there. She looked terrified.

"I need to talk to you." She said.

"Sure. Come in." I said, letting her in.

"Lucas Graham. What do you know about him?" She asked.

"Not much. Ive never met him." I said.

"Hes Alan's brother." She said.

"Oh fuck." I said.

"Last time I saw alan i thought I had killed him. He kidnapped me, and i choked him out until the car wrecked. I have no idea what happened." She told me.

"What did Lucas say?" I asked.

"He didn't say anything other than he was Alan's brother. I bolted. I didnt know what else to do. I panicked." She said.

"Lena, im sure he wanted to apologize for his brothers actions. Alan was a monster. I doubt his brother had anything to with it." I said.

I didn't really believe that, but I was trying to calm her down.

"What if he does?!" Lena cried.

"Theres no reason to think that." I said calmly.

"And what if he meant to tell me Alan was still alive?" She asked.

"Does it matter?" I asked.

"Of course it matters! If he was alive and police arrested him they would've told us! He must've gotten away!"

She was terrified, that was for certain.

"Look, alan cant get to you." I said.

"Don't say that. He can. You know he can. He always does." She said.

"He wont this time." I promised.

"He could." She argued.

"Lena, he won't." I said. "And to make sure you're safe, were going to tell the others and Jeremy so you'll feel better. Okay?"

"Okay." She said.

"Come here." I said, hugging her.

"Harry's gonna flip." She muttered.

"Youre thinking of Harry? Have you considered Liam?" I said.

"Don't even get me started." She said.

I chuckled. "It's gonna be okay, kid. I promise." I told her.

It was nice to be back.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, your hosts for the evening, Liam and Lena Payne!"

The crowd roared as my brother and I walked out on the stage.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Liam said.

"You guys need to chill." I said, smiling. The stage light was shining really brightly on us.

"Look, so i know the hosts ususally make jokes at the very beginning to make everyone laugh, but-" Liam began.

"But Liam isn't funny." I interrupted.

The crowd laughed.

"Lena, we said we werent going to tell jokes." Liam said.

"I know. I didn't tell a joke." I said.

"Yes you did. You said I wasn't funny." He said.

I looked at him. "yeah, and I was serious."

People laughed even harder.

"Okay, so my sister is breaking the whole deal we made earlier." Liam said. "so I'm going to jump right into our opening act."

"Opening act?" I said.

"I mean the first award?" He asked, unsure of what the order was.

"The teleprompter is right there, Liam, come on." I said.

"Okay okay, I'll read." He said.

"Okay you know what? I'll host this thing, and you stand there and pretend you're doing something besides stand there." I said.

People laughed again.

"Okay, so our first category tonight is-"

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