Alright hoes

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So, I asked you all to vote for the re-edits of One Direction's Baby Sister and its sequels. And while I didn't get a lot of votes like I was hoping for (Tears), I did get enough to determine a winner. So.....



The winner is.......

Some of you may have already looooked........

The answer is..........



So tbh I'm really happy that the "yes" note is the one that got more votes because honestly I really wanted to do this. I hope those who did vote no keep reading and don't hate me, and I really hope this works like I think it will. 

Thanks to all who voted! And I would like to dedicate the re edits to a few readers that have made me smile a lot since I started these books.

First is @MadHop82 for being so supportive and entertaining with the comments and actually being a re-reader! She told me that, like me, she only re reads books she really loves, and I'm still crying from her kindness. I would also like to tell my readers that I'll be reading her book, Texting One Direction, and you should do the same. She has 199 reads, lets make it bigger! She has done enough for me that I wanna do something for her. (I hope you don't mind me for calling you out, girl, I hope you're reading this.)

@josiemax for making my day with the encouraging comment left on my note the other day, telling me about reading the books for nearly two years and getting excited when I update. I cried, for real. I'll be reading her works as well, Don't Tell My Brothers and One Direction Is Adopting Me!?! Please join me! Also thanks for voting yes!!!

The last two are two people who voted yes for these re edits, so I have to thank them for it! They are 



Thank you all again for reading, commenting, voting, adding to your reading lists, re-reading, and making me love writing. To be honest I never thought I was any good at writing, it was an escape for me. I never had a diary, I would be upset and listen to music and then when I was ready to get the words, the emotions, out of me then I would add to a book or write a new one. That's why I have so many books haha. I'll tell you a secret-the many books I have on Wattpad aren't even HALF-yes, HALF, of the books I have written. I started writing when I was eleven years old and I have never stopped. I love it more than anything and I hope I inspire someone, somewhere, to write too. 

OK, OK, I'll shut up. Pre-writing for the Re-Edit of ODBS is underway, and I can't wait to publish it. I want to get ahead so if I hit writer's block then I have some time to think of something but still can update for you guys because I know I suck at that but I swear I am trying to do better!

From the bottom of my heart, Love You All!


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