Chapter 15: Proposition

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The man who caused me so much misery is now kneeling, bonded, and gagged. I would have been strangled, chopped into pieces, and thrown into the ocean to become fish food if looks could kill. I laughed. "The ground suits you well, you old fuck." I said as I sat in the armchair across from him.

He spat the handkerchief out of his mouth, looked at me, and smirked. "Laugh while you can. Pretty soon, you won't be."

"Mmm, I really hope you die soon, then there would be one less deadbeat asshole polluting the world." his smirk was replaced with a frown. How satisfying.

Yoongi stood next to me. "Kitten, I know you must be wondering what business I have with your father. To put it shortly, he stole from me and is now indebted to me."

I looked into the eyes of the now masked Mafia King. "Why do I feel like it's more to this situation than you're letting on?"

"Well, our original plan was to torture and then kill him because we knew there is no way he would be able to pay us back."

I crossed my legs. "Which you should have it would have been a blessing to the world...but!?"

"After Tech informed us about your sudden arrival, your father proposed a deal to clear his debt and satisfy our needs." Jimin completed.

Why does it seem like he has something he doesn't want to tell me? I looked at the other guys, looking everywhere but at me. It was beginning to irritate me. "Tell me what the fuck is he talking about, King!"

The boys and my father looked between Yoongi and me, shocked that I disrespectfully spoke to the Mafia King. They were even more shocked hearing him answer you right away rather than getting upset. "He offered you, kitten. His deal was, we take you as payment for his betrayal and never bother him again. But to be honest, I wasn't going to take the deal because that's cheap, and we don't exploit women for our own needs."

I looked at my father. "What gives you the right to offer me to pay off the debt you caused? How more selfish and careless can you get?"

He gave me a dark chuckle. "It's simple, really. You mean nothing to me. If you live or die, it doesn't bother me. The way you live doesn't concern me. Until now, you have been useless to me."

Yoongi and the others were seething with anger. They didn't like the way Jiyun was speaking to her. How can he call himself a man or a father? For Y/N, this was nothing new, but that didn't stop her from getting pissed off. This was it...the final straw. She looked down to the floor, scheming up a plan. Saying she was furious would be an understatement. From the corner of her eye, she sees her father smirking. He thinks he has won and has finally broken her, but how wrong he is.

I held my head high with a smirk on my face "King, I admire you, and I like you very much, but I am not the one to allow wrongdoings to go unpunished."

He looked at me, intrigued by my words. "What are you saying, kitten?"

"I am saying I have a better proposition for you. I will grant you one wish. No matter what it is, I will fulfill it with every ounce of my being. In return, I want that piece of shit to suffer. Here's the thing, that man has put me through hell and back. I could easily kill him right now and feel no remorse afterward, but that would be too easy of a way out for him. That would be a gift compared to what he has done to me."

The way she shamelessly admits her admiration of him always makes my heart flutter. I knew from this point on I would do whatever she asked that I would willingly be her muse. "Whatever you have in mind will be granted to you. There's no doubt about it."

"King, there is something I want to know?"

"Ask away."

"How did my father become involved with you in the first place."

"Well, about a year ago, your father came to us looking for a job, but I didn't trust him. Tech later found out that he was the secretary of one of our enemies, so we made a deal."

"And what was the deal?" I asked, wanting to know every detail of the matter.

Hoseok, who has been M.I.A. since earlier, walked into the room. "The deal was if he were to become our spy and extract all the information, we needed without getting caught, we would put him with our street patrol group. He succeeded in his mission, and we kept our part of the deal, but he fucked us over in the end."

"So, the old guy really put himself in some deep shit...interesting."

"What are you getting at, little psycho?" Jungkook questioned.

"Keep quiet. The adults are speaking." He glared at me while the others snickered. "What I was trying to say before I was rudely interrupted was, I can cover the damages my father has caused you. Plus interest for the trouble as compensation for nearly killing the bunny boy earlier."

"My life is priceless." He stated proudly.

"Worthless? Okay, scratch that part out then." I quickly responded, causing the others to snicker under their masks.

But of course, my father just had to open his mouth. "And how would stupid useless bitch like you be able to do something like that?" Jimin had his hand on his gun, ready to shoot him. I held his wrist and shook my head.

I sighed. "Don't you know silence is virtue?... and that's the thing, father, unlike you, I have a brain that I use daily."

Seokjin laughed. "Her comebacks have become my favorite thing to listen to now. They are priceless."

"You are such a disappointment." The hatefulness in his voice struck a nerve.

I walked up to him and punched him, breaking his nose instantly. It's one of my specialties "Don't you dare speak ill of me. The only disappointment in this room is you."

"Ahh shit... fuck fuck fuck that hurts." He groaned as he fell backward.

I pulled him by his collar. "Listen to me, you son of a bitch I put myself through school... me not you. I made a better life for myself despite you. I did everything you couldn't and more. I don't need you; I never did, calling me stupid and useless nonsense. I am indeed that bitch who could have killed you long ago. Just be grateful I didn't. Disrespect me again, and you will see my wrath. I'm done dealing with your bullshit.

"You think I'm scared of you, huh? Do you think I would believe you, huh? You dumb bitch. See, I disrespected you know what you will do about it, huh? I guess those beatings weren't enough." He tried to free himself from my grasp, the irony.

Yoongi gasped. "What? You abused her? He abused you, Y/N?"

Before I could respond, there was a gunshot. I looked behind to see that Hoseok had fired the shot. "Keep talking, I dare you. Let another word escape your lips, and I swear to god I will pull every tooth out of your head and then sew your mouth shut myself." Hoseok said through gritted teeth.

No one ever expected him to lose his cool. Out of all of us, he is the most levelheaded. "I guess you've just sealed your fate of not making it out of here in one piece." Seokjin mocked.

I stumbled backward. Yoongi quickly caught me. "Y/N, are you okay?"

His voice was faint as flashbacks of my nightmare flashed before my eyes, but this time the boy had a face, and he looked a lot like Hoseok. Now that I think about it, the nightmare has been less recurrent since I met him. Could it be? No, there is no way. My brother is dead. Right?

My head was paining, the room was closing in on me, and it was getting hard for me to breathe. My vision was getting darker. Am I fainting?

"Oh my god, Y/N!"

His Other Half: King Meets His Queen {M.Y./Suga FF}Where stories live. Discover now