Chapter 30: Ready! Set! Go!

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We got into our respective positions based on our dashcam numbers. I was in the center with dashcam 05. To my right were Lisa 04, Jisoo 09, Jennie 011, and Rose' 010 behind me.

"You ready, babes?" Lisa yelled over the roaring engines.

From my peripheral, I can see other racers getting into position. A smirk etched onto my lips as Seulgi pulled up next to me. "I can't wait to see your face after winning this race."

"Oh, that's not something you should be worrying about," she said smugly. I simply smiled at her and then focused on what was in front of me. One second is all it takes. A single second, a moment of hesitation could determine if you are ahead of the pack or a trailer.

"RACERS ARE YOU READY?!" the flag girl shouted.

I revved my engine four more times, one for each member. You can say it was our ritual of encouragement before every race. I smiled as the engines growled like a beast in the night.

I tried not to look at the flag girl, mentally becoming one with my car and the road.

"SET!" I inhaled and closed my eyes to clear my head. "Deep breaths, you got this. Just stay focused and don't panic. This is your mountain. The finish line is home." I opened my eyes and exhaled. "This race is mine."


The moment the flag girl dropped her hands, I floored it being the first one over the starting line. I made a hard quick, but elegant drift around the first sharp curve closer to the safety rail. Shifting gears, a smile tugs at my lips while the engine purrs under me. I jerked forward when something, rather, someone hit me. I looked in my rearview mirror. Then, gritting my teeth, "Seulgi?! This bitch has lost her mind. How dare she put a scratch on my baby. After the race, you're dead."

I moved my gaze back to the road, shifting my gear again. "What the fuck is that?" there was a small figure wandering in the middle of the road. "Where the hell did this kid come from?" My car skid to the right, racing up the incline where the kid is. Unbuckling my seat, I increased the speed, shifting my weight towards the passenger side, calculating how to save the kid from an irritable death. "Fuck it, here goes nothing."

Pulling the latch of the emergency brake and turning the wheel harshly to the left, the car spins, tires skidding against the asphalt. I reached over the car's passenger side and opened the door as it spun. I gripped the kid by his shirt on the third spin, yanking him into the car with all my might. The kid landed in my lap as the door shut.

"How did you manage to get yourself in a situation that could have ended nastily?" I asked, checking to see if he was harmed. I could feel little trimmers coming from his body.

"I'm sorry, I followed my mom's instructions to take my dad's lunch he left to the training center. On my way home, Georgie, the new guard, told me my mom was waiting for me in the rose garden, so I went."

"Why would you blindly trust someone you barely know?"

He looked at me with his teary doe eyes. "My mom loves roses, so it sounded right, and this place is supposed to be safe. So, I didn't think much of it."

I sighed. "That's fair. What happened after that?"

"I went to the rose garden, but I didn't see my mom. Instead, it was a woman I didn't know waiting for me, and then everything went black."

I will have to talk with this new guard. He not only risks the life of an innocent child but also the lives of the Underground.

"Was there anything you saw or maybe heard?" I asked, trying to gather as much information possible for an investigation.

"I think I heard someone say Seulgi before I fell asleep."

"Seulgi, you say?" my blood was boiling.

"Yeah, she may be one of the racers." He said as he recalled pieces of his memory.

"Well, you're safe now." After saying that, I felt another bump.

The kid looked behind me and yelled, "That's her. That's the girl who told Georgie to leave me in the middle of the road."

I looked back and as expected, "That little- just wait until I get my hands on you."

I saw Rose' and Jisoo holding off Wendy and Yeri. At the same time, Lisa and Jennie managed to sling-shot Bam passed Seulgi.

I let down my window as he pulled up next to me. "What the hell is going on? Chase, what are you doing here?"

"You know the kid?" I yelled over the engines.

"Yeah, I sometimes work with his father. What is he doing here?"

"I'll explain later, but for now, I need you to take Chase to safety while I handle her."

"Okay, wait until we hit the last curve, then we'll do the switch," he yelled back.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Listen to me, Chase, Bam will make sure you get to your parents safely, but before that, I need you to do something for me, okay." He nodded his head. "When I tell you to, I want you to climb out the passenger side window and into the other car. Can you be a big boy and do that for me?" he hesitantly nodded.

"Good, your pretty cool, kid." While ruffling his hair, I said, "Chase, the end of the curve is coming when I say climb out of the window, do it as quickly as possible, don't worry, Bam will catch you."

"Okay, I trust you." He said in such a cute voice. How can anyone ever want to harm such a sweet child?

"That's a good boy. Now, go to the passenger seat." I watched as he climbed over, holding the back of his shirt for security. "On my count. One!... Two!... Three!" he climbed out the window, and Bam secured him on his lap.

"I'll take care of Chase. See you at the finish line." He then peered off onto one of the safety back roads.

I looked back and saw Seulgi smirking as she closed in on me. My girls weren't too far behind. "So, this is how you want to play? A peasant wants my throne but let me show you how a Queen rules. A true queen never uses such cheap tactics to win."

His Other Half: King Meets His Queen {M.Y./Suga FF}Where stories live. Discover now