Chapter 33: Verdict

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We posted half masked at the far end of the table, listening and observing. Truth be told, I would have killed those girls already if it were up to me.

"How dare they?" I looked over at a furious Seokjin, whose eyes never left Jisoo.

I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, Seokjin."

"How can I calm down when my girl was recklessly put in danger?" His voice trailed off, and his eyes widened, realizing he had spilled his feelings. "I-I mean."

I smirked at him behind my mask. "It's fine. I figured as much anyway."

He was surprised. "You're not angry or going to lecture me about Jisoo possibly being a distraction or something?"

I gave his shoulder a light squeeze of reassurance. "Come on, don't look at me like that. I'm not that heartless. Like I told Jungkook, I don't mind you dating. Just be aware of the risks that come with the territory. Besides, it wouldn't be fair for me to get angry about you finding your other half when I found mine. Of course, we will have to set some boundaries, but that can be discussed another day."

"And it seems to me we're not the only ones." Hoseok, Namjoon, and Taehyung were looking like lovesick puppies.

Seokjin chuckled. "I guess we've finally completed our family,"

"Yeah, I guess we did." I thought.

"You are a five-member group called the Crystal Claws." My attention was drawn.

"No wonder they think they're untouchable," Jimin said.

I knew they looked familiar. "The elders have been trying to arrange us with their daughters and granddaughters for months now. But no one can beat the irritable Nobu Myoui," Namjoon whispered.

I rolled my eyes. "Ughh, don't remind me. Those old tards have been working on my last nerves. In the name of stronger rein, we must marry a female Mafia of high status. How can men auction off their daughters and granddaughters to men they can't describe?"

"We keep our identities hidden, yet the Elders pressure us to be with their granddaughters. This proves that they are only in it for the power," Jungkook whispered back.

"They are only looking out for themselves. Power is everything to them," I chuckled. "Too bad for them. I've already found my Queen," I whispered.


Councilman Yang hit the table twice with the gravel. "Based on the evidence provided, I hereby declare the perpetrators guilty of their crimes. Punishment will be decided upon the high table."

"Wait, come on, it doesn't have to be like this over a simple mistake," Seulgi pleaded.

Jennie was in disbelief. "There is a clear line between a mistake and intentional harm towards others. What you did was thought-out, planned, and executed, meaning it was intentional. Don't try and play the victim. You should have thought of the consequences before you did what you did."

Irene walked over to Seulgi and slapped her across the face. "Got damn you, do you want to die? For once, can you just shut up and get some sense? I won't always be there to save you when you can't seem to control your tongue. If you haven't noticed by now, the world does not revolve around you. So, if you were to die today, guess what? The world will go on."

"Miss Irene, how about we make a deal since you seem to be the most reasonable one here?" Councilman Yang suggested.

"Sure, go ahead. There is literally nothing to lose in this situation." Irene said with a sigh.

"Mmm, I beg to differ, your life... your life is definitely something you could lose in this situation," Jennie commented. She's not wrong, just bad timing.

Rose' facepalmed, "Jennie, please keep quiet. Sorry, Mister Yang, you may continue."

"Irene, I have a proposition for you. Each of you battles the Blood Queen in the rings. Suppose one of you manages to beat her. In that case, you all can stay and become official Underground citizens but will be put under strict rules until you can be trusted."

Joy was curious. "What if we lose?"

"If you all lose, you and your group will be banned indefinitely. This means you girls will never be allowed in the Underground, effective immediately. In addition, you all will go under a memory extraction procedure, wiping away any knowledge you have about the Underground. If you do happen to be able to remember after the extraction and you are then caught entering the city premises, you will be executed on sight. In exchange for you all agreeing to this, you get to keep living your life like before. But know this, if we take this to the high table, the chances of you walking out alive would be slim to none. So, what's your decision?"

Crystal Claws briefly huddled before giving their answer, "We accept your offer. Thank you for sparing our lives." Irene said without hesitation.

Ughh, what is this feeling? Is it sympathy? Y/N thought, "Wait," she spoke.

Everyone looked at her, perplexed, given she's been silent the entire time. "Is there something wrong?" Yang asked.

She couldn't believe she was about to do this but battling them one on one is a punishment close to death, and banning them was a bit extreme even though lives were put a risk. However, she never wanted anything to happen to them. She just wanted to put them in their place and show them a little bit of the influence and power she has in the Underground.

"No, let's give them a chance to redeem themselves. After all, this is a city of second chances, right."

"What are you saying? Yang asked.

"I'm saying they don't stand a chance in the ring with me."

Seulgi stood out of her seat, enraged. "What do you mean we would stand a chance?"

Joy pulled her back in her chair. "Seulgi, I swear to God."

"I was saying, Seulgi, you will be knocked down before throwing a punch resulting in you being banned and having your memory extracted. Councilman, all shouldn't be punished for a few bad apples. I'm not saying they shouldn't be punished, but I think we can compromise. You know, making amends to an end."

Seulgi looked at me bewildered and with a hint of admiration. "Why would you help us after everything we've done, I've done?"

"Aside from being a complete bitch, you're pretty ballsy, and you can handle yourself pretty well out there. So even though it was reckless and illegal, it was still amendable." Y/N spoke truthfully.

"Thanks, I guess." She expressed with a slight smile on her face.

"Don't mention it. I was just being honest."

Councilman Yang looked at Y/N proudly. "Well, the Queen has spoken. All charges will be dropped, but I will be watching you three. " Everyone, have a goodnight," Yang said, walking out of the meeting room.

"Okay, now since that's over with. How about we go to one of the local clubs to celebrate making amends. Maybe we even get to know each other a little better?" Wooyoung suggested.

Yoongi held Y/N by her waist. "I am so proud of you."

His Other Half: King Meets His Queen {M.Y./Suga FF}Where stories live. Discover now