Chapter 40: King

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Yoongi stood in the center on top of the staircase, surrounded by his most trusted people with pride. He knew the impact he had made tonight was engraved in the hearts of both friends and foes. They truly believed he was born to be King for the first time, not because it was passed on to him, but because of the people around him that would never let him fall. They are the foundation of his success.

The venue was silent as the impressive group of people descended from the top of the stairs. Part of it was due to the shock of an entourage of twenty-five masked people walking through those golden doors. Another was from the utter shock that Crimson Clan walked through those doors with unfamiliar women in their arms and the envy of the beautiful woman in red clinging to the arm of the Mafia King. But nevertheless, he has crowned her, presenting her as the future Queen with the utmost respect.

A man approached them with a gentle smile. "Good evening, ladies, gentleman, and Sir King."

"Butler Lee!" Jungkook exclaimed as he ran and hugged him.

"Woah, looks like someone has gained more muscle since the last time we met. It felt like I was hugging a brick wall just a second ago." Butler Lee said, laughing.

Jungkook began flexing his muscles, making us all laugh.

Taehyung sighed. "Please don't pump his head up more. He's already full of himself. I don't think it would be enough room in the world for us and his ego."

Jungkook placed his arm around Taehyung's shoulders. "Don't be jealous, baby. If you want, I can be your personal trainer. I'll make sure to get that body right." He said mockingly.

Taehyung shoved his arm away, glaring at him. "You and I both know this body is already perfect... babe."

Jimin stood between them. "Stop it, you two. This is a professional event filled with people wishing they were us. Let's not give them a reason to think otherwise." They nodded their heads in unison, composing themselves.

Butler Lee chuckled. "You three have been doing this since you were teenagers. I thought it was just a phase but to each his own."

"Ignore them. Anyways how have you been, Butler Lee?" Yoongi asked while pulling him into a tight hug.

"I'm doing wonderful as well as the family, and it's all thanks to you, Sir. Because of you, I was able to get my granddaughter the professional help she needed, and now she's on a slow road to recovery." Butler Lee said, teary-eyed.

Nala, his granddaughter, faced a fatal disease when she was only three months old and battling it for the last five years. I made it my business to provide that little Angel every resource she needed to have a chance at life. Finally, after a year of treatments and surgery, she beat her disease.

"Oh, come on, you know you and your family will always have a soft spot in my heart. You were there through the toughest time of my life, so I will be there for you no matter what."

Butler Lee gripped Yoongi's shoulders. "Your father would be so proud of the man you've become."

"The man I am today is all thanks to you. I actually have someone I want you to meet" he softly grabbed my waist, guiding me to the forefront. "This is the love of my life and the next Queen."

"So, you're the woman who all the fuss is about. If with your face covered, I can see how your beauty is enough to melt the heart of this cold, heartless King."

I laughed. "I don't think I'm that beautiful but thank you. And the cold King doesn't seem that cold. In fact, he's more like a little kitty." I balled my hands, creating a fist in front of my cheeks "meow meow." I teased.

Yoongi tightened his grip around my waist. "Hahaha, hilarious kitten, keep talking, and you will see my lion side real soon."

Butler Lee patted his shoulders, chuckling, "Put your dominance aside for now, King, we have a long night awaiting us, and I have a job to do. Now let's get you and your lovely guest, whom I would love to meet later, to your table." He gestured for us to follow him.

Yoongi whispered, "You got lucky this time, kitten."

We were being escorted to our table when I noticed some jealous glares. I smirked at their poor attempt at being intimidating.

Irene followed my gaze. "Those are the girls we talked about earlier, and you see the girl in the long peach-colored dress."

"Yeah, what about her?" I asked, looking at her.

"That's Mina, the spoiled princess whose eyes are set on King," she explained.

"Well, I feel that little Miss Mina is going to stir up some trouble by the end of the night."

"That's a possibility. Remember what I said earlier. They can be very dangerous, so you need to be careful."

"Yeah, and you remember what I said, they are nothing compared to me. So, it's me you should be wary of."

She laughed, walking over to Taehyung. "How can I forget?"

Yoongi pulled the chair out for me. "Have a seat, my Queen."

"What a gentleman."

"Only for you, my Queen. By the way, what were you and Irene talking about just now?"

"We were talking about your many admirers," I said, slightly rolling my eyes.

He teasingly looked at me and asked, "Don't tell me my kitten is jealous?"

"Why would I be? You belong to me, and if anyone tries to take you away from me will have a slow and painful death."

He placed his arm on my chair, leaning closer, whispering, "Your possessiveness over me just made you a thousand times hotter."

I pecked the lips of his mask. "Mmm, let's be honest, everything about me is hot."

"I hear no lies." Yoongi's phone rang, interrupting our moment. It seems we are continually interrupted when things are getting spicy. He took a brief glance at his phone. "I have to take this call, but we will finish this conversation later." he slightly lifted his mask and gave me a real kiss on the lips.

Once Yoongi was out of sight, I tapped Yunho's shoulder to get his attention. "What's up, Angel?"

"You see those group of girls over there?" I asked, directing my eyes in their direction.

He took a secret glance. "Yeah, what about them?"

"Find out what you can about them they seem off to me, if you know what I mean," I said, raising my eyebrows.

He smirked. "Say no more. Just give me a few minutes." He walked off to do his tech thing.

His Other Half: King Meets His Queen {M.Y./Suga FF}Where stories live. Discover now