Chapter 42: Games & Explosions

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Nobu stood on the top floor, looking down at his granddaughter with a proud smile plastered on his face. His smile grew wider, watching the King in visible discomfort but faded looking at the woman sitting next to him. "That is supposed to be my granddaughter." he thought. He spent the last few years grooming her to be the best Queen and brainwashing her that the King was the only man suited for her, but this girl just had to get in the way. "I have to get rid of her as soon as possible."

Yoongi stood up and yelled, "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Mina?"

She gave him an innocent look. "I just want to hear the lovely voice of our future Queen, but if she can't, I will gladly take her place."

Y/N glared at her. She had a feeling Mina was talking about more than just singing. Yoongi was about to respond, but Y/N held his arm to reassure him that everything was okay. "Calm down, love. I am full of surprises."

"Princess, you have nothing to prove." He said, holding my waist.

She chuckled. "I know I don't, but I need to make a good first impression as their future Queen. Besides, someone needs to put that little bitch in her place. For a peasant to attempt to humiliate a Queen is obviously delusional. The only explanation is she's suffering from mild schizophrenia."

He laughed wholeheartedly, shocking everyone in the theater. "Go for it, kitten."

I kissed him on his cheek" I will be right back, my King."

Yeosang held my wrist. "Humiliate her for her little stunt. No mercy."

"When have I ever showed mercy?"

Y/N stood at the microphone, looking out to the anticipating crowd. The spotlight kissed her honey skin and shined off her crown, gold jewelry, and red dress, making her look ethereal. Then, finally, she signaled she was ready. Nothing could have prepared me for the angelic voice that came out of her mouth.

She has a voice that puts your mind to rest. It's not a sleepy state, but you are not fully awake either, as a journey up a mountain path. You are somewhere but nowhere.

The steady clapping that matched my marching heartbeat faded me back into reality, and the eruption of applause burst through my soul.

Bravo Bravo

I saw the audience giving a standing ovation, "Encore." they chanted.

When she made it back to our section, I couldn't refrain from slightly lifting my mask to kiss her. "You never cease to amaze me, my Queen."

"Well, I suggest you stay on your toes because you never know what I will do next," she said teasingly.

I laughed. "Noted."

While they were having their lovely moment, two people remained scornful. One is angry at a plan of humiliation backfiring. But, at the same time, the other is angry at an obstacle that just got five times bigger.

A ten-ring chime alarm was sounded. "What was that?" Y/N asked curiously.

"It's nothing to panic about is just an alarm letting us know the meeting with the Elders and other mafia leaders will begin in ten minutes. These types of meetings don't tend to last long."


The boys escorted us back to the ballroom, leaving shortly afterward.

Glancing around the room, my eyes met with Mina's glaring ones. I winked and blew a kiss irritating her more.

Yeosang suddenly sat next to me. "Y/N, whatever you're planning, I want in."

I laughed. "What are you talking about? I'm not planning anything."

He rolled his eyes. "I know that look."

I looked at him amusingly. "What look?"

"You can fool others, but you can't fool me. You are calculative, and I want in on the action," Yeosang said, looking in Mina's direction.

I sometimes forget how observant he is, even though he tends to not show interest. "Well, the only thing I'm planning is going to the bathroom... I need to pee."

"I don't appreciate you avoiding my question," he exclaimed. I ignored him and got up about to walk away when Rose' asked where I was going.

I responded, "To the bathroom."

"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked innocently.

"No, it's fine. I won't be long."

"Shit is about to hit the fan." I heard Yeosang mumble as I got up from my seat.

"You know me too well," I said, glancing at Mina before heading to the bathroom.


Jungkook was walking ahead of us, furious "How dare he speak down on us like we are peasants and degrade Y/N like that? That old man needs to be put back in his place. I should kill him."

"In due time, Ace, but for now, let's enjoy the rest of the night with our women," Namjoon said, trying to diffuse the tension.

I can't really blame him. I was close to decapitating that old power-hungry fool myself, but all good things come to those who wait. Finally, we made it back to our table, and I noticed Y/N wasn't there. "Where is my girl?" I asked, approaching the table.

"She went to the bathroom about five or ten minutes ago. She should be back by now. You want me to go check on her?" Lisa asked, getting up.

"No, don't worry, I'll go. You need to tame your fuming bunny anyway." I said, teasing Jungkook.

Suddenly the emergency sirens went off.

"Everyone evacuate the building immediately a bomb has been detected. Please use the North, South, and East exits. I repeat. Everyone evacuate the building. A bomb has been detected. Please use the North, South, and East exits."

"Stay close and follow me. I will lead the way." Jimin shouted while holding on to Jennie's hand.

"What about Y/N? We can't just leave her." Seokjin asked.

"She's a strong girl. She knows how to take care of herself, and she's probably expecting to meet us outside." Jisoo answered.

Something about leaving Y/N to fend for herself just didn't sit right with me. "No, I will go find her. You guys get to safety." I said, about to turn around.

Hoseok held on to my arm. "Yoongi, are you crazy? That is too much of a risk. Trust me, I don't like this as much as you do, maybe even less, but what if she makes it out and you are trapped in the building? Then what?"

I stood still, pondering over this dilemma. "Should I risk it? What if she is in trouble and waiting for me to appear? What if I lose her?"

"Come on, we don't have time to waste. If we stay here any longer, we might all die." Jimin pleaded, trying to talk some sense into me.

I nodded my head. "Y/N, please be safe."

As soon as we safely got out of the building, there was a loud boom, and then everything went black.

His Other Half: King Meets His Queen {M.Y./Suga FF}Where stories live. Discover now