Chapter 14: Memories

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Jungkook and Y/N becoming lovers? I don't know why but the mere thought really pissed me off. "Everyone shut up and go to the living room...NOW!"

They all looked at me, confused by my sudden outburst, "I don't appreciate the tone of your voice Mr. Min Yoongi." Y/N said daringly.

Usually, I love her boldness, but I was on edge after Taehyung's little joke. So, I walked towards her sandwiching her between me and the counter. I must say she is even more beautiful up close. Breathtaking...her dark auburn hair, hazel eyes, curvy body, tanned blushed skin, button nose, and plump lips are to die... no-kill for.

"Look here, kitten, my patience is running thin, so be a good girl and get that pretty little ass in the living room or else..."

She cut me off by grabbing by my collar, lips barely touching, and whispered seductively, "Or else what, King?"

King sounds so sexy as it rolls off her tongue. "Be careful, kitten. You are barking up the wrong tree."

A small gasp escaped my lips as her hands roamed around my upper body. I followed her every gesture in trans until she snapped me back into reality. "Oh, King, don't act like I haven't noticed you watching my every move when we are working. My guess is you had an interest in me from the very beginning. Attraction at first sight, one could say."

Gripping her waist, "Is that so?" she shook her head yes "You have no idea how much I love when you call me King and how much I want to taint your honey-like skin."

She looked down at the tent in my pants. "Mmm, I think I have an idea, but as much as I would love to discover what happens if I keep "barking up the wrong tree, I would much rather get this over with. I'm starting to get bored."

I couldn't help but smile at how daring she was. "As you wish, kitten." I put some space between us, allowing her to walk past me. The boys were more than shocked that I allowed her to speak to me and touch me as she pleased. To be quite honest, I'm not even sure of what just happened.

We started walking to the living room while surrounding this bold creature of a woman and being amused by her fearlessness. This little kitten really has some balls. All I could think was,


Looking at the man that caused me so much heartache and pain throughout my childhood. The eyes that have held so much hatred since I can remember. The traumatizing memories I buried in the graveyard of my mind. But no matter how strong and fearless I made my exterior self be, those memories creep up on me, taunting me in my dreams.

I have never been a person to fear the typical "monsters" per se. They exist, but they are not fury but can be hairy. They don't live under your bed or in the closet, but they can be under the same roof as you. I know this all too well because I lived with a monster for years. In fact, I loved him as any child would their father.

My monster didn't have sharp claws. The only thing sharp about my father was the broken beer bottles he occasionally threw at me that left this scar under my eye. My monster wasn't blue, green, or purple. Blue was his unlucky color, green reminded him of puke, and he didn't even like purple; That's why he decorated my body with those colors. My monster didn't come out and scare me after I had fallen asleep. No, my monster only scared me when he stumbled home. My monster gave me bad dreams, too, so I guess there is that. I didn't have the luxury of defeating my nightmare as a child and growing up as a confident human being. No, my monster was brutal. He made me leave.

Nine Years Ago

How was I to know? I was so young. Naïve. Innocent. What did I do to deserve such treatment? It has been over a year of my father's neglect, but today was different. I heard the backdoor creak open, and that disgusting smell I grew to hate invaded my nostrils. I watched as he stumbled from the kitchen to the living room. I was only nine years old, but I knew something was wrong. I tried helping him to the sofa, but he shoved me away. "Keep your fucking hands off me. You are a disgrace. A curse. A fucking plague that came into my life and took away everything I ever loved."

His Other Half: King Meets His Queen {M.Y./Suga FF}Where stories live. Discover now